Short version:
In this first tale in a multi-part series, mostly upon the sands and grasslands of Fallien, two adventurers, Rayse Valentino & Resolve Curie, brave the elements and numerous dangers and difficulties, each seeking something in the present important to their past. While the thing sought, a person for one and an object for the other, differs; both paths lead them from the same starting point, a library in Radasanth, Corone; to the outlanders quarters in a cliff side dock in Fallien; then a journey across short grass and hot sand to Astaka; and finally to Irrakam. Here their paths seem to diverge, or so it appears.

Longer version:
A journey is never simple, nor is it ever done entirely alone. Sometimes the individuals that accompany the traveler do so in memory alone, while at others they go with the journeyer physically; there are many types of travels are there not? Some of body, some of mind, some of soul & spirit, and some that are all three. In this journey we have: Luned, a scholar, who cares for volumes present for all to read; Resolve, an exorcist of demons and spirits;Muir, a dealer in narcotics and poisons; Rayse, a pyromagus & dealer in weapons and sundried merchandise; and lastly a mysterious Fallien native named Azadeh. Some of these individuals’ connections to this trek across time and space and soul forging are clear, while others are not.

The adventure begins in the Corone public library with one of the locale’s caretakers, a woman named Luned, who inwardly laments that circumstances have forced her to distance herself from a longtime friend named Resolve Curie. This is of particular concern as Luned has recently acquired information that Resolve’s life might be endangered by her lack of training in her gifts as an exorcist. While Luned is unsure how to cross the cavum that has developed in their relationship in order to present Resolve with the necessary information. Fortunately for Luned, she happens to bumped into an old acquaintance of both hers and Resolves, Rayse Valentino; who, as luck would have it, was also gathering information on matters related to Fallien. With this connection made, roughly a day later, thanks to Luned and a Fae named Princess Agnie, Rayse and Resolve found themselves at a port in Fallien.

Once in Fallien Rayse & Resolve temporarily part ways; Rayse to meet a dwarf where he hopes to obtain a guide, and Resolve to meet a family friend and merchant to gain some information; Resolve manages to gain a great deal of information, while Rayse discovers that the only guide he’s likely to get is the woman he just left. So the pair of them buys a camel and set off.

At first the trip is largely uneventful, with the pair stopping at an old friend of Resolve’s mother, who used to be a shark hunter, to spend the night. Later Resolve spies on Rayse having a sort of remembrance for his dead friend Vincent, who died when they were young, (see for summery or or here for the full thread).

The next day did not go as smoothly. The pair was attacked twice: the first time during the day by a giant wolf creature made from flame; and the second a strange flying creature with numerous blades like projections, called a Devadi. The pair managed to slay both creatures, although Resolve is injured fighting the Devadi.

Despite being warned not to go to the oasis, as it would be dangerous for both of them, but particularly for Rayse, the pair believe that it is their best chance to obtain supplies. Rayse turns his shirt into a veil and head covering to help hide that he is a foreigner. This pays off as the pair receives supplies, and managed to make it to a port where they board a boat heading to Irrakam.

Meanwhile in Irrakam, a friend of Resolve’s and Luned named Muir discovers that some Fallien native woman named Azadeh was found in one of his store rooms. After talking to the woman, Muir believes that the woman wants rope to sneak into Gya’s keep for something. He is interested and helps the woman, who promptly disappears, without Muir knowing if she was successful or not.

Rayse and Resolve make it to Irrakam and meet Muir, who helps Rayse break into Gya’s keep, by showing him a way through the sewer system, and helps Resolve, via his house keeper, who is clearly more than just a house keeper, meet her father. The story ends with Rayse fleeing a pair of Gya’s guards, through a pair of portals, hoping that that they will lead him to the rune he is so desperately searching for. Resolve on the other hand, enjoys a joyous reunion with her father.