Tacking onto the end of these rules, I'd also like to add a couple of points that apply to this particularly sensitive post-election time.

Whilst 99.99% of you are responsible, mature people who know better there are always the minority that get involved in what I would describe as extreme political flaming.

Already I have had one or two complaints about "off site" issues between members on Facebook. Unfortunately, because we cannot prove these incidents took place there is very little we can do about it but please note that ANY sort of provable trolling, flaming, verbal abuse or bullying on here will be met with zero tolerence.

As always, we can only moderate what is communicated on the site either via posts or chat but please be assured that we will not stand for any type of harrassment or bullying of any kind, period. There is nothing wrong with a sensible debate but cross the line on Althanas and you'll be in for a bad time.

It's a shame these sorts of posts have to happen. Luckily, most of you are decent people. So we should be fine.