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Thread: The Depths of Death (closed to Qadira)

  1. #1
    In The Eye of a Hurricane
    EXP: 62,578, Level: 10
    Level completed: 78%, EXP required for next level: 2,422
    Level completed: 78%,
    EXP required for next level: 2,422
    Cards of Fate's Avatar

    Vincent Cain (OOC just call me Fred)
    Hair Color
    Sandy Blonde
    Eye Color
    six foot four and slim build
    Badass motherfucker

    The Depths of Death (closed to Qadira)

    Crumbled towers loomed in the horizon as the sun began to sink beneath the Raiaeran horizon. A cloaked figure strove through the barren, plague stricken wastes alone. A quiet stream of hisses trailed behind him, as he labored each breath through a large metal mask strapped to his face. His eyes were obscured by tinted glass, his mouth covered in some strange filter. Every inch of skin and hair was hidden beneath black leather, or a tough vlince dyed to match. One his hands he wore iron gloves formed from segmented plates of metal held together by a leather mesh. His boots were a simple steel and leather mixture. Each step was laborious, each breath was shallow.

    Vincent Cain was not having a pleasant trip.

    To simply skirt the limits of the plague lands was already a torturously hard ordeal, but to traverse straight through its heart? That was suicide. The only thing keeping the scholar alive was the several pounds of protective gear, his unnatural predisposition to resisting death, and grit. Eluriand, the diseased heart of Raiaera, loomed in the distance. Beneath it ancient secrets lurked buried in massive catacombs, guarded by hordes of undead. Somewhere beneath this broken city, Vincent would search for answers.

    His progress was slow, each step sinking into murky ground slightly. He would have to struggle for a moment to wrest his foot free to take another step, and repeat the process once more. Each a large slurp sounded out his foot was freed, and a squish would soon follow as it sank once more into the muck. He needed to race the sun, darkness would soon be upon him, and so would all manner of foul fiends. The derelict ruins of the city limits would offer some form of sanctuary, where he could possibly scavenge enough wood for a fire, or establish some form of camp.

    An hour of tromping through sludge found Vincent standing right at the ruined western gates of the city as night truly fell upon the land. Ancient cobblestones seemed to stand some form of vanguard against the decay, offering a solid footing for the scholar as he scanned the wreckage before him. Several corpses wandered aimlessly along the promenade leading from the gate deeper into the city, but none seemed to have noticed the scholar yet. Either side of the road bore ornate buildings, in varying colors, all in different states of disrepair. The closest building to his left seemed to be a guardhouse of some sort, and most of the doors seemed to still be properly hanging on their hinges. Spurred on by hope of refuge, the scholar made his way to the nearest door as quietly as he could. Each step clanked slightly against the cobblestone. As he reached the dilapidated portal, he braced the handle with a gloved hand and dug his shoulder into the frame forcing it open.

    Growling, the scholar scanned the building in the remaining light for any immediate threats. Satisfied for the moment, he crossed the boundary and pulled the door shut behind him, drowning any light left in an inky darkness. All was silent, save the slight hiss of his breath in and out of his mask. The scholar reached into thin air and snapped, a flash of teal sparks cascaded from his fingertips, illuminating the room for a moment. In his hand he know held a simple glass orb, drawn from seemingly nowhere.


    The command wheezed out of his mask, and the orb sputtered to life in response bathing the entire room in an eerie pale glow. Glancing around, the scholar spotted the ruins of several old pieces of furniture, and a fireplace. Noting nothing else of importance, he went about his work dragging the bits and pieces of whatever these guards had used to relax, into the fireplace. Then without ceremony, the scholar simply shot a jet of blue sparks from his hands and lit a rather large blaze.

    It was going to be a long night, and he would have to resume in the morning…
    There is a darkness in you. In all of us, probably. Beasts we keep chained. Ordinary men have to keep the chains strong, for if we let the beast loose then society will turn upon us with fiery vengeance. Kings though...well, who is there to turn upon them? So the chains are made of straw. It is the curse of kings, Helikaon, that they can become monsters. And they invariably do.

    Rayleigh is pretty chill. ♥

  2. #2
    EXP: 1,910, Level: 1
    Level completed: 96%, EXP required for next level: 90
    Level completed: 96%,
    EXP required for next level: 90

    Qadira Uthman

    The sun was setting. She couldn't sit around idly, twiddling her thumbs until someone were to happen upon her. She didn't even know where she was. Qadira stood from where she had rest and took in her surroundings.

    Qadira had been sitting at the edge of the graveyard, trying to avoid the remains of her earlier companion, and to sort everything out for herself. She knew nothing about herself except her name, nor anything about the power she had used to save her life. She didn't understand why she had not suffocated on the mud or why she had woken up in a coffin. She didn't even know the first thing about the strange land she was in. What she did know however, was that she needed to get moving. The sun had already made steady progress in it's decent and the woman had no interest in finding out what horrors lurked in the dark of these ruins.

    Qadira took in her surroundings. She was on the outskirts of some sort of ruined town. From what she could gather the town seemed to have had some historical importance. The wreckage spread very far and there were remnants of what looked to be libraries, guard towers, and regular housing. She shivered as she felt the cold night's air begin to set in. She cursed under her breath and trudged towards the ruins. "I'll be damned if I can't find some sort of refuge".

    The mangled woman roamed through the streets, things becoming quickly dark before stopping dead in her tracks. She noticed something walking from around the corner. Her first instinct urged her to call for help, but she resisted, knowing that whomever she met may not be friendly. From around the corner emerged a man. She would've considered calling out to him had his jaw not been detached. Qadira narrowed her eyes and muttered to herself. It was another undead, like the one she had apparently created, but this one didn't seem too friendly. She quickly changed direction and headed deeper into the ruined town.

    "So now I have to watch for undead as well. What a great day I seem to be having." the girl scoffed under her breath. She looked up to the sky and saw the last remains of sunlight escape her. It was nearly dark now. It would be harder to navigate now without the sun and any threat would only be harder to detect. However before she even had a chance to begin her abyssal adventure she caught a glow of light from the corner of her eye. Some kind of hardy stone building seemed to have a pale glow seeping from the cracks of the walls. She inquisitively wandered closer, hesitant of the danger, and watched as the light suddenly disappeared, only to be replaced with what seemed to be a roaring flame. Qadira felt the warmth radiate through the walls of the building and saw the glow of the fire pour through every hole in the building.

    Qadira decided this was her chance. Only something sentient could start a fire and she desperately needed help. The woman hoped against all hope that the person inside would be friendly and so she navigated around to the entrance. She very gingerly pushed the door in and called out in as helpless a voice as she could muster, hoping to lower whomever's guard she would be meeting.

  3. #3
    In The Eye of a Hurricane
    EXP: 62,578, Level: 10
    Level completed: 78%, EXP required for next level: 2,422
    Level completed: 78%,
    EXP required for next level: 2,422
    Cards of Fate's Avatar

    Vincent Cain (OOC just call me Fred)
    Hair Color
    Sandy Blonde
    Eye Color
    six foot four and slim build
    Badass motherfucker

    The door creaked open, and in a quick motion the scholar was on his feet, sword drawn from a flash of blue light. He was pretty sure he’d heard her speak, which was almost impossible, seeing as normal undead couldn’t speak, and no normal living mortal could have made it this deep into the plague lands. Yet here she stood, like a marble stature with her cream colored skin. Her robes appeared to have been fine silk at one point, but now they seemed to be barely holding together and in tatters. Her eyes were an enchanting Violet, or so Vince assumed, his visor distorted the color of the world a little bit. Her hair was green, but disheveled and covered in mud as if she had been rolling around like a dog on a rainy day.

    Vincent paused for several moments before speaking. “Hello?” Silence filled the air for a moment. She had not made any move to attack him yet, which was odd for any typical walker this deep in the plaguelands. “Are you hurt? Why are you out here?” He gazed past her and noticed a shambling form not three feet behind her. Acting quickly he dashed forward and pulled the woman into the door, dropping his blade in the process. In his hand, a bunch of sparks formed into a Tarot card. He held the teal projectile and willed a large amount of energy. Grunting he flung the card at the form’s head, watching it explode into concussive force and smash the fiends head like a watermelon.

    He scanned the darkness, satisfied that there was no more danger he pulled the door closed and turned back to the woman. She hadn’t tried to bite or claw him, but maybe she was unable to talk do to trauma or an injury. Instead he pulled out a canteen of water and package of bread and offered it to her wordlessly.
    There is a darkness in you. In all of us, probably. Beasts we keep chained. Ordinary men have to keep the chains strong, for if we let the beast loose then society will turn upon us with fiery vengeance. Kings though...well, who is there to turn upon them? So the chains are made of straw. It is the curse of kings, Helikaon, that they can become monsters. And they invariably do.

    Rayleigh is pretty chill. ♥

  4. #4
    EXP: 1,910, Level: 1
    Level completed: 96%, EXP required for next level: 90
    Level completed: 96%,
    EXP required for next level: 90

    Qadira Uthman

    Qadira was frightened.

    A lot happened in the short amount of time that she had opened the door. Before her stood what appeared to be a man, but that didn't seem like the correct word for it. Her mind wandered for a moment and settled on the term golem for the moment. She found this coinage appropriate because the man seemed to be connected to pounds of machinery that seemed to be keeping him alive. This alone was enough to shock her but the next few moments are what really put her off.

    She had hesitated to respond for fear of what exactly she was speaking with, and as she was readying herself to reply the man, the man charged her. She was afraid he was going to end her life, being something of an executioner, but she noticed his sword drop. Instead of harming her she had been grabbed, and pulled into the doorway. She saw little of what happened behind her but the sound was something she would not soon forget. Roaring power and a concussive thud blasting from behind her while a simultaneous blue flash filled the area. Qadira was unsure of what had just happened but she was relatively sure that the mechanical soldier had protected her. In the ruckus that occurred she was thrown beside the campfire. As the tattered woman collected herself she looked up to her assumed savior and watched as it closed the door. He wordlessly offered her a canteen and bread.

    The girl's stomach felt empty to her, but she felt no real desire to eat. Upon thinking about her condition she more so realized she was just uncomfortable than hungry. Her hand reached out and took the bread regardless, deciding to accept his kindness. More than anything she enjoyed the feeling of the fire. She realized just how cold she had felt before and was glad to be able to soak in the warmth of the flame beside her.

    After indulging on the bland meal she looked to the man who still stood above her, seemingly watching her. Qadira figured some form of explanation was in order, even if she needed on herself. "Thank you for helping me" She paused and contemplated the best way to ask for help. "I'm not sure how I got out here. I don't have any memory and I had woken up buried alive." a chill went down her spine just thinking of the whole ordeal again. The girl decided she would leave out the undead who had saved her. "All I remember is my name." She looked up to him, her eyes pleading for solace "I'm Qadira"
    Last edited by Qadira; 06-05-16 at 05:04 AM.

  5. #5
    In The Eye of a Hurricane
    EXP: 62,578, Level: 10
    Level completed: 78%, EXP required for next level: 2,422
    Level completed: 78%,
    EXP required for next level: 2,422
    Cards of Fate's Avatar

    Vincent Cain (OOC just call me Fred)
    Hair Color
    Sandy Blonde
    Eye Color
    six foot four and slim build
    Badass motherfucker

    The scholar raised an eyebrow behind his tinted glass mask, not that the woman could discern the gesture of course, but out of sheer force of habit. It appeared the woman could talk, which was a surprise given her current state. He watched as she ate and drank before she explained her situation. Suddenly the scholar had a myriad of questions on the tip of his tonge, but one look at the woman revealed that she most likely didn’t have any of the answers. Instead, Vincent opted for a different tactic. He rummaged through one of the many pockets of his protective suit and retrieved a simple circular device and tapped it several times. Slowly, it began to chirp ever so quietly. The scholar waited several minutes, scanning the device and monitoring the chirping. Satisfied, he replaced the object once more in his pocket.

    In one fluid motion he reached up to his mask and raised it from his face, revealing tan, handsome facial features and sapphire eyes. His mane of blonde hair spilled out messily, somewhat stained brown from sweat and slicked to parts of his face.

    “Hi, I’m Vincent Cain. Nice to meet you.” He offered the woman a hand to shake, and a warm smile. “Sounds like you’ve had one hell of a day so far. The place we’re at isn’t particularly safe, but if I stand guard you might be able to get some rest if you need too…” Her words ran through his head as he spoke. She’d been buried? That would explain her tattered clothes and pale skin, but that didn’t make any sense. Who would bury someone alive in a city that hadn’t seen habitation in years? Not to mention they were in the middle of a necrotic blight! His eyes ran up and down her figure looking for some sort of clue as to the origin of this woman. That’s when he saw the scar along her throat. ‘There’s no way she could have…survived a gash like that..’
    There is a darkness in you. In all of us, probably. Beasts we keep chained. Ordinary men have to keep the chains strong, for if we let the beast loose then society will turn upon us with fiery vengeance. Kings though...well, who is there to turn upon them? So the chains are made of straw. It is the curse of kings, Helikaon, that they can become monsters. And they invariably do.

    Rayleigh is pretty chill. ♥

  6. #6
    EXP: 1,910, Level: 1
    Level completed: 96%, EXP required for next level: 90
    Level completed: 96%,
    EXP required for next level: 90

    Qadira Uthman

    Qadira observed the man as he lifted his helmet. She mentally chastised herself for assuming the person before her was some sort of cyborg. She realized now it was a man wearing some sort of suit. For what purpose it served she was unsure, and the thought of not knowing made her uneasy. She was so unsure of so many thing and the list only seemed to grow; this fact frustrated her. Qadira pulled herself from the self-deprecating thought and turned her attention to the man. He seemed to be an attractive individual, around the same age as herself. Perhaps she would have found him more pleasing had he not been covering in pounds of material and didn't look like he just ran a few miles.

    Vincent. She pondered the name for a moment. If she could recall the name meant something along the lines of a conqueror. She scowled to herself, why could she remember a useless fact like that but nothing of importance. The woman decided to move past it, taking the man's hand in hers and offering half the smile she was given. "I appreciate the offer, but I feel like I have slept for much too long." Qadira looked to the door, pondering the events that happened. "I can see what you mean by the area not being safe. It's practically crawling with corpses" the girl rolled her eyes and gave a despondent sigh "Of course I had to wake up in a place like this.

    Qadira looked to the man and saw his eyes were focused. She soon realized he was focused on her, looking over her body as if he was captivated by something. She couldn't help but chuckle, even in as dreary as situation as this. "Vincent are you so captivated by my looks you can't help but stare?" She asked and turned away in a teasing fashion. "I probably look so horrid in these tatters though" her disposition quickly reset to dread. She wanted to know so desperately what was going on, and she feared the man had now answers for her.

  7. #7
    In The Eye of a Hurricane
    EXP: 62,578, Level: 10
    Level completed: 78%, EXP required for next level: 2,422
    Level completed: 78%,
    EXP required for next level: 2,422
    Cards of Fate's Avatar

    Vincent Cain (OOC just call me Fred)
    Hair Color
    Sandy Blonde
    Eye Color
    six foot four and slim build
    Badass motherfucker

    The scholar chastised himself for being so forthright with his appraisal of her, even in the middle of ruins, there was always time for proper manners. The man blushed a bit and ran his left hand nervously through his sweaty hair.

    “My apologies, I was making sure you weren’t hurt! With all of the undead out and about you could have gotten scratched or something…” he trailed off as he avoided her gaze. He was busy debating the most tactful way of asking about her throat, but couldn’t possible thing of a way to go about doing so. After several moments, the scholar decided it wasn’t worth the trouble.

    “Miss…Qadira you said?” He paused, “Lovely name by the way, what does that mean?” He stopped and shook his head for a moment, he was getting distracted. “What happened to your neck there? Were you hurt?” he asked raising an eyebrow. He kneeled before the woman and looked into her verdant gaze, searching for answers.

    ‘I think I know…but I need to be sure’ Silence hung in the air save for the gentle crackle of the fire and the occasional moan of the undead outside. Shadows danced across the room to some silent song, bathing the two in an eerie glow.
    There is a darkness in you. In all of us, probably. Beasts we keep chained. Ordinary men have to keep the chains strong, for if we let the beast loose then society will turn upon us with fiery vengeance. Kings though...well, who is there to turn upon them? So the chains are made of straw. It is the curse of kings, Helikaon, that they can become monsters. And they invariably do.

    Rayleigh is pretty chill. ♥

  8. #8
    EXP: 1,910, Level: 1
    Level completed: 96%, EXP required for next level: 90
    Level completed: 96%,
    EXP required for next level: 90

    Qadira Uthman

    Qadira rolled her eyes, finding it only coincidentally humorous that'd he'd ask the meaning of her name only after she just gave herself trouble for knowing such a random fact about his. She offered a feint smile at his initial question. "It means 'able'. A more accurate definition would probably be capable. Which sort of feels ironic at the moment". She noticed something was troubling him and the young man wasted no time to tell her exactly what that was.

    His question stung. Right in her chest where her heart was she felt an anxiousness. Qadira grasped at her own neck and felt along it desperately. "W-What do you mean what's wrong with my neck?" She stuttered out, looking into his sapphire eyes for an answer and conveyed her own confusion and terror with her own gaze. The confused woman couldn't feel exactly what the man was talking about and this only filled her with more concern. "Do you know anything about what's going on? Do you know who I am?" She leaned forward grabbing his shoulder, her eyes pleading for answers. "Why was I buried alive? Where am I? Why can I bring back the dead?!" the girl began to slip into a hysterical fit. She caught herself, placing a hand over her mouth for a moment. "I apologize" She resisted the urge to utter a sob. "I must be a nightmare to deal with".

    Qadira took a moment to try and compose herself and looked to the man for a favor. "You wouldn't happen to have some sort of..." she failed to find a word to fit the description "thing... like you had before, but so that I can see myself?" she thought for a moment more and placed her head in her hand. "Or a mirror. That would work as well" She felt moronic for over complicating the situation. "I want to see what you're talking about" She plead.
    Last edited by Qadira; 06-05-16 at 05:31 AM.

  9. #9
    In The Eye of a Hurricane
    EXP: 62,578, Level: 10
    Level completed: 78%, EXP required for next level: 2,422
    Level completed: 78%,
    EXP required for next level: 2,422
    Cards of Fate's Avatar

    Vincent Cain (OOC just call me Fred)
    Hair Color
    Sandy Blonde
    Eye Color
    six foot four and slim build
    Badass motherfucker

    Vince was caught off guard by the woman’s sudden panic attack. Her series of questions rattled him slightly as he tried to process all of the new information. With a snap of his fingers he pulled out a simple mirror and held it up to the woman and briefly tapped the scar on her throat.

    “I’m talking about that…” The scholar murmured. “That looks like it hurt like hell, and was definitely something that could have caused you amnesia.” While the woman was distracted with the gash on her throat, the scholar discreetly placed his hand on her shoulder right where a major vein would be traveling. For a moment he could have sworn he’d missed it, but a cursory glance showed that his finger was right on the blue line that ran across her skin. His eyebrows furrowed, she could bring back the dead and she had no pulse. Something foul was afoot, and it had suddenly dragged Vincent into its clutches. Taking a simple step back, the scholar casually sat down and cracked his neck.

    “I don’t have all the answers for you, but I can sure help you try to find them.” He nodded and shot her a caring glance. “Let’s start at the top. You said you woke up buried alive? Tell me about that? How far away have you traveled since then? How did you get out?”

    While it seemed like these were simple questions, the more the scholar figured out, the more he could try to piece together the woman’s mysterious past.
    There is a darkness in you. In all of us, probably. Beasts we keep chained. Ordinary men have to keep the chains strong, for if we let the beast loose then society will turn upon us with fiery vengeance. Kings though...well, who is there to turn upon them? So the chains are made of straw. It is the curse of kings, Helikaon, that they can become monsters. And they invariably do.

    Rayleigh is pretty chill. ♥

  10. #10
    EXP: 1,910, Level: 1
    Level completed: 96%, EXP required for next level: 90
    Level completed: 96%,
    EXP required for next level: 90

    Qadira Uthman

    Qadira was mortified at the sight of the scar running along her neck. Her brow furrowed as something flashed through her mind. Images of a knife and blood. A lot of blood. Her head pounded as the images left her thoughts and she was left with nothing more than confusion. On closer inspection she realized she was unnaturally pale, and she looked like she had been dragged through hell and back. The woman found it unpleasant to continue looking at herself and quickly relinquished the mirror back to her company. "Thank you. I'm not sure I wanted to see all of that, but I needed to". She looked to the young man as he backed away and sat across from her. She thought carefully about the questions she had been asked before answering.

    "I want to start with thank you" She said trailing off. It felt strange to her to have to rely on someone so much as she had been doing now, but right now this man was the only way for her to get answers. She recounted as much of her escaping escapade to her new companion as she could. Including every detail, including her near death experience with the mud. Qadira, realizing her slip of the tongue by asking about her necromantic power, decided she would tell him the whole truth including her undead savior. "After he dissolved I only traveled to the edge of the graveyard" the woman admitted "I was afraid to travel any further" She looked to the side, ashamed of her behavior "It was the fear of the night and the creatures that lurked within it that forced me to start traveling to find salvation". her eyes offered nothing but woe.

    By the time she had finished her entire story, Vincent knew as much about her as she did.

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