((Sorry for such a late reply, not had the chance to get back on Althanas in a while. I'll keep this small for now and talk to you when I get a chance.))

The shifters eyes met with Ayithe's as she watched Lorenor strike a final blow. It smiled a calm grin in her direction, a smile that Ayithe did not understand entirely, but if she thought about it, the Shifter had already slaughtered all these men, it had already slaughtered this family, and finally it had left a child - a child that could now sit in resentment to living a life without a family.

The long term effects were unclear, the motivations hidden, but at least she had survived. Hopefully, saving the child was the right thing to do - Ayithe at least believed it.

Knowledge? Ayithe thought about the words of the shifter, its lack of fear, its knowing grin that in losing its own life, it had achieved a goal it's existence was created for. She hated not knowing.

Ayithe patiently waited as it's body melted into the stone floor by Lorenor's feet. She'd ask if he was okay, but it was readily apparent. She calmed herself in the silence before the fearful weeping of the child became clear to her once more. She turned to comfort and held him in her arms as she knelt to hug. This was more than any child ever deserved to experience, for what lay in his future was now eerily unclear.

"Lorenor?" She glanced back at the warrior. "I think we should leave while we can. We shouldn't linger longer than needed."