This week (probably Saturday) I'll be starting to clean up our main forums. This will mostly involve moving any unresolved threads to the appropriate archives and checking with staff that any stickied threads contain up-to-date information.

As a rule, any threads that have not been posted in for six months will automatically be moved to the "unresolved" forum. Any threads in this forum can be unlocked and re-added to the main forum again at the request of the thread starter, if they decide they would like to finish it. If you fall into that category, please contact me via PM.

I would recommend each member review their open threads and let me know if there are any specific ones they have any concerns about. As you can appreciate, we have literally hundreds of open threads and I don't have the time to contact everyone individually (contrary to popular belief that I am Omnipotent, which I neither confirm nor deny). As a re-assurance, nothing that constitutes an RP will ever be straight-up deleted from the board, just archived.

That's pretty much it for the update. If anyone has any concerns or questions, please post them here.