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Thread: When Fates Cross Paths

  1. #21
    Hand of Virtue
    EXP: 87,799, Level: 12
    Level completed: 84%, EXP required for next level: 2,201
    Level completed: 84%,
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    SirArtemis's Avatar

    Artemis Eburi
    Human (+ Dovicarus)
    Hair Color
    Dark Brown and Gray
    Eye Color
    Piercing Blue

    As soon as one of John’s targets had decided to teleport to safety, he had doomed himself, and his boss. Artemis noticed the man's disappearance, while John just continued with his fight. Artemis took the chance to expand his ability's area of focus, seeking the man’s signature and where he'd gone. It did not take long to find where the magic had taken the man, and that would be their destination.

    “You know we’re being followed, right?” John asked, the two men wandering deeper into the dark and filthy tunnels of the underground network. His fresh cigar glowed amber as he pulled in deeply.

    “Of course we are,” Artemis replied. “Let them. I’d love to see them try to actually make a move on us.” He walked calmly, his eyes taking in their surroundings and collecting information. His steps seemed fluid and easy, moving along the uneven ground toward his mark. The walls were metal and concrete, poorly kept and cracked sporadically. The muck beneath them sloshed and squished as they moved, though neither cared. The powerful pair knew little would threaten them, and with so little room, they would simply overpower any foe that dared impede their hunt.

    “Take this back by the way,” Artemis said, tossing the pouch of coins to the big man. “Money is the least of my concerns.”

    John caught the coins and pocketed them with a shrug. “If you insist. You won them fairly.”

    “Your gamble paid me back in information, which I consider enough. We’re almost there. Try not to make too much ruckus. Subtlety doesn’t seem to be a strength of yours.” As he finished, Artemis reached into a pocket and pulled out his mask and gloves, donning the garments. Every inch of him, even his blades, were as black as night. “If you hear anything, then come in. If you hear nothing, it means everything is fine. Give me five minutes.” With that, Artemis slinked away, his movements suddenly remarkably silent.

    John nodded, impressed with the man’s skill. He started counting off in his head, not willing to give more than the five allotted minutes. He took another puff of his cigar and waited. “Fine, but if I hear commotion, I’m coming in regardless.”

    Meanwhile, Artemis had moved quickly into action. Two men guarded a steel door, reminiscent of a prison, blocking the way through a stone archway. A pair of arrows of black mist flew through the air, one for each, and they slumped over before falling to the ground. Artemis hastened over, finding a key on one guard’s body and opening the lock. He left the key in the door and moved on.

    At the end of the short stone archway, the room opened into a large chamber of stone with vines crawling along the walls and ceiling. The stone and dirt of the ground appeared dry here, with steel grates allowing the water to flow out. The room had simple decor, with torches set throughout and countless crates and barrels all around. They had done well to keep the room orderly and clean, for the most part.

    A large communal table sat in the middle of the chamber, with a pair of men talking over tankards of ale. They sat facing away from Artemis, making his work that much easier. In the far corner, off to his right, a man worked on a dais, occupied with his work and hunched over a table.

    Artemis could sense the man he’d been tracking, down a hallway to his left, and stealthily continued on his path. He didn’t need to draw any more attention, but he also didn’t want any surprises. The gate guards were far enough out of the way and would stay asleep, but he worried knocking out these three might draw suspicion if someone came in from one of the other rooms while Artemis worked.

    Creeping down the hall Artemis began to hear voices arguing in hushed shouts, as though the men were doing their utmost to control their temper.

    "And you didn't think that drawing attention to yourself might be a mistake?" one voice asked.

    "Drawing attention? Some big man offered a sack of coins for a fight. You expect us to say no? It's not like we're rolling around on beds with silk sheets and stuffed with premium wool."

    "What, I don't pay you enough? Suddenly you're unhappy?"

    "That's not what I meant," the man said, his voice retreating. "I didn't think . . ."

    "Exactly! You didn't fucking think, that's the damn problem. They're probably looking for me right now you ass. Now get the fuck out of here and double the guards, get everyone on alert. I don't want any uninvited guests coming in."

    "Yes sir!" the man replied, turning down the tunnel.

    "And don't underestimate them!"

    The man began to run down the hall, while Artemis had found a small alcove to hide. He activated his camouflage, hiding in plain site and nearly invisible when immobile. The target ran past, and a moment later found himself struck in the back, falling to the ground unconscious.

    Artemis moved on, confused as to why his detection ability did not sense the man down the hall who the recently fallen man had been speaking with.

    'Better to be safe than sorry then. If he has magical defense, we'll have to do this the old fashioned way.'

    Silent and swift justice, invisible to the eye, rapidly advanced on its mark. Within seconds, Artemis had snuck up behind the man, hidden from view, and locked him into a powerful chokehold.

    "Shh, just sleep. We'll talk soon."
    Last edited by SirArtemis; 05-06-17 at 12:43 PM.
    2011 Althy Winner - Most Realistic Character
    2016 Althy Winner - Best Contributor & Player of the Year (tie)

    Artemis Eburi Wiki Page
    Current Character Profile

    Solo Quests:
    Hidden Beneath The Canopy (75)
    Lost Loot of Lornius (74)

  2. #22
    Fists of Fury
    EXP: 29,216, Level: 7
    Level completed: 28%, EXP required for next level: 5,784
    Level completed: 28%,
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    redford's Avatar

    (Sir) John Albert Cromwell
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    7'8", 593lbs
    Armored brute, mercenary, blacksmith

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    As Artemis slinked through the shadows toward their goal, John tried to listen for any noises coming from beyond. His mind now at ease a tad, the half-giant noticed the smell of rotting meat and stagnant air. He refused to look down at what filth the ankle-deep water was composed of. One minute passed, then two. He swung his shoulder around, feeling the residual soreness of the dislocation. It wouldn’t hinder his movement much, but it was a little bothersome. After all, it hurt most when he popped it back in.

    He counted down the seconds, as promised, waiting for Artemis to return from his excursion. A part of John hoped that time would run out and give him an opportunity to go and have a bit of fun. After all, though Vince had asked him to keep an eye on the applicant and see what he could do, there had been no instruction to stay out of the way. The fight pit had left John unfulfilled, and he yearned for a bit of distraction.

    “Time’s almost up,” he mused to himself as he chewed the end of his cigar, taking a deep pull. Just as adrenaline began to trickle into his veins in anticipation, Artemis rounded the corner with a man thrown over his shoulder and seemingly unconscious. His excitement faded as he turned to follow the other smith.

    “Quickly, he will wake soon enough. We have to find somewhere that I can speak with him.” Artemis hurried past the half-giant, leading the way to a room John could only assume his companion had already selected. Their steps sloshed through the water, the putrid smell of the sewers ever present though not phasing either man. The decayed state of this underground world made John wonder that much more about the fascinating engineering that ran this enormous city.

    “He’s stirring,” John began, noting that their ‘guest’ had began to wake.

    “It’s fine, we’re here,” Artemis said, turning abruptly and kicking down a door to a small storage room. The thick wood swung open on its hinges, the dark wood forever damp from the moisture in the air. Artemis sat the man on a large crate propped up against the wall, holding the man’s body up as he regained his awareness.

    “Where am I?” the man mumbled as his eyes opened. “Who the hell are you?” His eyes caught John’s and went wide with horror. “I swear, whatever it is, I didn’t fucking do it.”
    Last edited by redford; 05-29-17 at 12:00 PM.
    'nature denied me claws and fangs, so I tore the earth apart, forging them of iron and crafting them of steel'

    Althanas' Fitiest Fiter (2015-2016)

    got an ingot of titanium

  3. #23
    Hand of Virtue
    EXP: 87,799, Level: 12
    Level completed: 84%, EXP required for next level: 2,201
    Level completed: 84%,
    EXP required for next level: 2,201
    SirArtemis's Avatar

    Artemis Eburi
    Human (+ Dovicarus)
    Hair Color
    Dark Brown and Gray
    Eye Color
    Piercing Blue

    Artemis’ keen eyes locked onto the shit-brown irises of the Sewer King’s. His filthy black hair was slicked back, so greasy and oily that it looked like the man had just finished a swim; the smell told other tales.

    “I have a few questions,” Artemis began, leaning against the wood that their visitor sat upon. “These are easy questions. Just answer truthfully.” Artemis turned and took a few steps away from the crate. “To make it easier for you, I can tell if you’re lying.” As he finished, he turned on his heel, his eyes aglow with gold once again. Though neither of the other men in the room knew what that meant, Artemis could see the pure gray tone of the Sewer King, reflecting an absolutely neutral alignment. There could be no question that the man was not good in the slightest, however, nor was he evil either. This man acted out of convenience alone, neither seeking to help others, nor to harm them. This man exemplified self preservation.

    “Wh-what do you want to know?” the man asked nervously, clearly out of his element. Despite often being in control, he realized that these two men were not the type that he could outwit or outmuscle – especially outmuscle.

    “First, what exactly does your role as Sewer King entail?” Artemis asked, arms folded over his chest as beside him John puffed a cigar.

    “Nothing! I just . . .” He wrung his hands with anxiety, crossing his ankles as though unsure what to do. His whole life had been spent lying and deceiving, yet a little voice within screamed to not make that mistake. Not now. He sniffled and ran his gross hands through his even more gross hair. “I steal,” he sighed. “We have to. There’s no way else to live! If we don’t . . .”

    “Don’t rush ahead,” Artemis said, lifting a hand to pat the air. His calm demeanor seemed both unsettling and soothing to the anxious Sewer King. “We aren’t with the authorities. We have other reasons for asking these questions. Now, take a breath. Who do you steal from, and why?”

    “Well,” the lanky thief began, running a forearm across his nostrils with another sniffle. “Mostly the nobles. Sometimes merchants. Sometimes travelers. Depends on what they’re carrying.”

    “What do you take, and why?” John interjected between puffs.

    “Anything that we can take and sell without it tracking back to us. Things we can break down and sell. Metals are the easiest. Money. Jewels. Sometimes we come across magical trinkets, but that work is more dangerous, and I often handle that on my own.”

    “What sorts of magical items?” Artemis asked, changing the tilt of his head with a sigh.

    “Whatever they’ve got! I’m not picky. I figure out what they do after the fact. Beggars can’t be choosers. You’ve seen where I live!”

    Artemis stared at the man, contemplating his words. The thief’s anxiety never diminished, as he rubbed his face vigorously with both hands. “If you didn’t have to steal to survive, would you?” Artemis could see the man stiffen, unsure what to make of the question. It was as though he had never considered it.

    “I . . . I don’t know. It’s all I’ve ever . . .” Silence filled the room as the theif’s gaze fell away and he mulled over the question. The doubt was answer enough for Artemis. Theft out of necessity was not the same as theft to cause suffering. Even if the man enjoyed his work, relished in his expertise and the thrill of the task, it did not appear that he had chosen this path. What life would he have found if he’d been born into different times or different means? It was a question that seemed a luxury, and one the Sewer King had never been able to afford.

    “What’s your name?” Artemis asked the man. “Your real name.”

    The thief looked up, a sad expression on his face. “Melvin. No surname. Just Melvin.”

    “Well Melvin,” Artemis began, walking toward the thief. “I have a proposition for you. One you have time to prove me right or wrong about.”

    “What’s that then?” he replied nervously.

    “Work for us. Put your skills to better use. Prove you’re not a scumbag and that you’re not out to ruin lives.”

    “Wh-what?” he asked, unsure what to make of such an offer. “What do you mean work for you? Who are you?”

    “That’s an explanation for another to give you. My role here is to judge whether or not you are an evil man, and I don’t consider you to be. Prove it.”

    Silent seconds passed as the man’s expression shifted from uncertainty and anxiety to determination, as the opportunity he’d been waiting for his whole life presented itself once and for all. “What do you need me to do?”

    “Put your hand on my arm, and John, you too. Let’s get back to Vincent. He will take care of the rest.”

    As John walked over, tossing his cigar into the murky water behind him, he put his enormous hand on Artemis’ arm beside the thief’s own. "What about the fight pit? I wanted to have another go," the big man said with a frown. Artemis ignored the comment and closed his eyes and envisioned the Aces High Tavern and Vincent’s office. A moment later, the three of them were standing in that very room, Vincent sitting at his desk as before.
    2011 Althy Winner - Most Realistic Character
    2016 Althy Winner - Best Contributor & Player of the Year (tie)

    Artemis Eburi Wiki Page
    Current Character Profile

    Solo Quests:
    Hidden Beneath The Canopy (75)
    Lost Loot of Lornius (74)

  4. #24
    In The Eye of a Hurricane
    EXP: 62,578, Level: 10
    Level completed: 78%, EXP required for next level: 2,422
    Level completed: 78%,
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    Cards of Fate's Avatar

    Vincent Cain (OOC just call me Fred)
    Hair Color
    Sandy Blonde
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    six foot four and slim build
    Badass motherfucker

    Vince sat at his desk enjoying a nice sweet glass of wine smirking to himself. He had a penchant for sending new Tarot members on difficult missions to prove their worth. It was a bit of a tradition he’d started on his first mission when he’d almost been killed on three different occasions. It was a sort of baptism by fire, and Artemis had caught his eye a long time ago. A man of that caliber needed an exceptionally hard task. He had no doubt it would take at least a solid month before…


    Vince’s gaze snapped up as suddenly the two operatives were back with a rather squirrelly looking man. A bit of wine sloshed out of his cup as he regained his composure.

    “Jesus Christ, is that what it feels like to be teleported in on? God damn.” The scholar exclaimed with a chuckle as he took a sip. “What brings you back so soon?”

    “We found the Sewer King,” John replied shortly.

    “His name is Melvin.” Artemis replied. “And I think he might be able to serve your cause.”

    “Just don’t kill me!” The man squeaked as he sank to his knees. “I’ll do anything!”

    Vincent rubbed his chin and raised an eyebrow before taking another sip of this drink. “You took an awfully long time for such an easy challenge.” He mused. “But good work. Leave…Melvin with me and I’ll handle the rest. I’ll contact you with your next mission soon, I have to look through my notes to find something worth your time…” With that he motioned for the duo to leave him with their newly acquired…asset.

    “Are you kidd-“ John stopped Artemis’ mid sentence.

    “Trust him. He knows what he’s doing.” The Giant grunted turning towards the door. Artemis harrumphed and turned to follow suit leaving the small man with Vincent.

    “Mr. Melvin.” Vince cooed as he leaned forward. “Do you believe in Fate?” The rougish man looked up at Vincent skeptically at first, unsure at where this was going.

    “I only believe in coin…” he muttered trying to sound brave.

    “Shame.” Vincent replied standing up and cracking his neck. “But I suppose you will come to learn. Walk with me, let me tell you exactly what happens when people’s fate cross paths with mine.” He let out a small chuckle. “You’re destined for so much more than you could ever accomplish Mr. Melvin, and I’m going to show you.”
    There is a darkness in you. In all of us, probably. Beasts we keep chained. Ordinary men have to keep the chains strong, for if we let the beast loose then society will turn upon us with fiery vengeance. Kings though...well, who is there to turn upon them? So the chains are made of straw. It is the curse of kings, Helikaon, that they can become monsters. And they invariably do.

    Rayleigh is pretty chill. ♥

  5. #25
    Deliver Us
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    Redford receives 1475 EXP and 110 GP
    SirArtemis receives 1910 EXP and 110 GP
    Cards of Fate receives 530 EXP and 60 GP (Inc 10% bonus)

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    "When we were young, was this the dream we had? We're celebrating nothing. We need to find our way back."

  6. #26
    Deliver Us
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    "When we were young, was this the dream we had? We're celebrating nothing. We need to find our way back."

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