First came the acrid smell of burning, and then stomping footsteps and sounds of crackling flames. The demon from the sewers stormed into the dining room, golden eyes glowing with rage. Smoke poured in through the doorway behind him as he rushed toward the half elf.

Jake stood up and overturned the table, sending scones and earthenware and cutlery clattering to the floor. The table impeded the demon's path, giving the Raintakers a chance to head for the other door.

"Watch out!" Jake cried, realizing that the fire had eaten through a support in the wall the dark elves were headed for. They followed his pointing hand with their eyes and leaped back just as the wall collapsed, blocking the door. Jake drew his quill and transformed it once more, the flame blade joining the fires that crackled and climbed up the walls of the building. Jake was reminded of other demons he'd fought... they were often fascinated by fire. Jake had learned to turn that very fascination against them, learning the arcane arts of flame manipulation. He remembered one Haidian he'd faced as a teen, who had surrounded him with fire in a cavern beneath Corone. The flames had cackled equally loud then.

Another section of wall collapsed, and the fires roared as a gust of oxygen swept in. The Raintakers dove away from the cascading embers, crying out in pain as hot timbers bounced off their legs.

This is my fault, by Trisgen's hammer, Jake thought, I should have known this bastard would come back. I should have been ready. The half elf waved his hand and conjured a doorway near the Raintakers.

"Go!" Jake cried. The portal would only take them outside, but it would be a good enough head start to get them away from the Haidian.

The half elf turned toward the demon and slashed at the monster's neck, his flame blade carving a swathe in the hot, smoky air. The smoke stung Jake's eyes and lung, but he refused to leave the building ahead of the Raintakers.

Another section of wall fell inwards, and the Raintakers were forced to sprawl towards the demon in order to avoid the debris. Jake gasped, lunging to get between the dark elves and the demon but knowing it would be too late.