This thread is 18+ and rated for mature audiences due to nudity and aggressive sexual themes.
Between the border city of Archen and the Great White Expanse ran a little known trail through a shallow valley. Before the curse of Denebriel turned the lands to barren deserts of ice and snow, the valley served many caravans to the northern settlements. Now all but ruins and frozen relics, the cities lay barren beneath layers of packed frost. Yet, through this valley, protected by the might winter gales, ran a trio of horse drawn wagons. The drivers hid beneath bundles of animal furs and dense wool shawls. Their faces remained hidden except for the dull, lifeless eyes that gazed onward to the white abyss.

“Move over,” called a voice from within the lead caravan. The canvas which protected the contents of the wagon parted to reveal another pair of eyes beneath fold of winter clothing.

“About time,” replied the driver as he gathered the reins and held them out. “The feeling in my fingers is gone.”

From folds of tarp, the second man clambered to the old wooden seat. He settled in and took the reins with a commanding crack. The horses brayed in the wind, clouds of heated breath billowing forth from their maws.

“Settle in with the supplies.” The replacement driver kept his eyes forward as the other made way to the back. “I moved the leather and some of the bags of rice apart. Should help you warm up.”

“Tch,” came a chuckled reply. “I wouldn’t mind being in the middle cart. I’m sure those whores would do plenty to keep me warm.”

“Don’t kid yourself. Those women are lucky to make the trip. Besides,” The driver turned back to the wagon with a playful nod. “You wouldn't be able to handle six women at once. When was the last time you bedded one?”

A chuckle echoed into the frigid canyon but was not reciprocated by his colleague.

“Oh shut it will ya? Neither of us have had a good lay in ages.” The man disappeared behind the canvas and the driver focused himself forward.

“If that’s not the truth…” mumbled the driver beneath the comfort of his furs.