Not understanding the conversation at all, Alina watched her friend’s body language. When it became clear that the singer was comfortable with the lizard-kin’s presence, the dancer ceased her mesmerizing movement. She’d nearly charged enough energy to land a knockout blow, and had been prepared to use it on the little fellow. As they all gathered round the fire, Alina felt like a giant. Most Coronians were considerably larger than her, but among present company she stood the tallest by a considerable amount.

The Fallieni woman wondered what was going on. Had the lizard-kin or his bird friend emitted the telepathic cry? Likely not. If they could have communicated with her in a way she understood, surely they would have done so. She hoped that they did not intend to go chasing after whoever had cried help. By night, the woods presented a considerable danger for Moonstrider’s legs. Alina did not wish to be stuck in the middle of nowhere with an injured steed.

Beyond the fire’s reach, Moonstrider munched on the long grass that grew plentifully. The mare was a great comfort to the dancer in this strange, foreign land.

“Alina,” the Fallieni woman said, pressing a hand to her chest. “Melaina,” she added, touching her traveling companion’s arm. “You?”