Heya, folks. I'm looking for somebody to help me out with a relatively simple story. Lorelei will end up in a coastal town in Salvar and she'll get tangled up with some bad crowd almost immediately. I need someone to help her out with her first steps as an adventurer, preferably a character who know what's what and is not terribly young and green at the adventuring stuff (this doesn't mean they have to be at any particular level, just that the character isn't as young and green as her). The story would entail rescuing her from a bunch of thieving scum, then helping her retrieve her stuff from the local criminal milieu. It's not much of a story outline, and while I have some further ideas, we'd probably play some things by ear and see where they take us.

One thing to keep in mind is that I'm not against her getting cheated in the end, so if someone has a character prone to backstabbing people and screwing them over, I'd be up for that. In fact, it might make for an even better story. It's a hard world out there, and she needs to learn that fast.

Anyways, I'll have a thread up by the end of the day more likely than not, so if anyone's interested, post here or PM me. I'd prefer just one person for now, as I still need to get a hang of this character.