"The underworld ocean was black under a sunless sky and the fumes rising from the surface were no water vapour; instead they curled and eddied with a silvery-white luminescence . Our eyes became fixated on the wisps as they danced ever closer. In moments our eyes, nose and throat became blistered, closely followed by the rest of her skin. It was a fire that didn't consume, it just kept on licking coldly. The ghost ship, one the size of a galleon, bobbed on toward the sound of laughter, on a shore we couldn't see and never became any closer to. Though we wished to black out, our minds remained sharp and clear. We were given an option- to remain in this ship for an eternity in hell, or take the place of those we'd tortured and killed in the worst moments of the agony we'd inflicted. Instantly we were seeing a green field, cool grass underfoot, and a couple were walking towards us. My heart fell as I realised what was coming. Endless re-runs, only with us as the victims. "

Brotherhood report #015