Fucker….” Amari hissed. She didn’t need to be talked through it, she guessed it was all in her head, she used similar magic. Although hers thrust him into the viewpoint of her memories, his just seemed to inflict pain.

“What the fuck was all that about?” She snapped between heaving breaths, sweat dripping down her forehead. “What the FUCK?” Amari spat again, more fire in her voice. “You fuckin’ goad me into attacking you? You pull that shit and you ram your tongue down my throat? What the fuck?”

“That was me dealing with the shit you put in my head, you got no one to blame but yourself,” He replied pointing at her before he tossed his coat over her.

“You started it with what you put in my head.” Amari grumbled, shifting to press her head to the floor. She was exhausted and her skin still prickled with the residual effect of his hex ability. “Ugh..” She welcomed the cold of the stone. Amari wasn’t sure how much time had passed, nor how long it was till morning. Seth was getting on her nerves, he kept pushing her buttons and it was infuriating. “Wasn’t my intention to get you off.”

“I could say the same thing!”

Amari laughed, “I suppose I did get some reactions outta you, just because I was being burned alive, don’t think I didn’t notice.” She slowly lifted her head, then using the wall as leverage, pushed herself back to her feet. “Do you have any semblance of time in here?”

“Day and night get fuzzy round here,” He replied truthfully as the burns began to fade and disappear from his skin. He looked up at the ceiling before he moved back to the walls, “Hear boots, probably your pet succubus back from sucking a soul through a dick.”

“Shit.” Amari hissed. She knew what would come if she didn’t return injured. “Shit. Shit. Shit.” She glanced up at Seth, “This waste of time is your fault.” She shifted her hand to her arm, and it lit up in the same crackling red energy from before, the light tore through her skin and her arm twisted violently, snapping the bone in her forearm. Amari cried out, but caught herself. She shifted her good hand to her chest, splaying out the palm, her skin eroded away into angry red welts and purple bruising.

“You know, I could have just broken your jaw. He'd have said something about finally getting some quiet and probably accepted I did what he wanted to do…” Seth offered. His gaze showed a bit of sympathy, even as he moved away from her and the door opened. He seemed to take on a whole new persona as he stiffened, readying for battle. He glared balefully at Avencia before he put on a show, “Tell Ulroke next time, I won't be so gentle.”

Avencia’s nose flared and she narrowed her eyes at Seth, then down at his still semi erect dick. “I smell the lingering scent of lust in the air.” She glanced down at Amari, then kneeled down to her to help her over her shoulder. “And I smell your skin on hers. If I find you’ve done anything to Mistress-”

“Advencia, Enough.” Amari breathed, surprisingly still conscious, although the amount of blood that steadily poured from her wounds would soon put an end to that.

“You want a ticket back to the abyss? Keep pushing succubus. Don't you have a dick somewhere to suck like a straw?” Seth replied.

“Jealous?” She hissed back, her tail flicking side to side. Unlike Amari, Advencia was incredibly adept at avoiding attacks, and was deadly skilled with not only her fists, but with a blade. “You want to fight? I’ll….” Advenia’s bright blue eyes widened as she turned to Amari, giving the redhead a small shake. “Mistress?” Amari’s head lolled side to side. The succubus frowned, the anger dissipating. “Couldn’t she have been the one person you just left alone?” She muttered quietly. “Just her.” Advencia shook her head as she turned to leave the cell.

“I am a demon, you tell me? Ulroke is the one at fault, after all this is what he wanted, isn't it? Don't blame a demon for acting in its nature…” He shot back.

Advencia paused, her back to Seth. “I expect this from Master Ulroke, not always from you.” And with those final words Advencia swung the heavy iron door shut behind her, such a feat showing how strong the lithe demonness was. There was a series of clicks as all the locks slid into place, and once again, Seth was left alone in darkened silence.