I know everyone here's a critic. So let's share some opinions and hash some out - What are some of the popular video games out there, past, present, and future, that people think are overrated?

Personally, I think the Final Fantasy series, in all of its entirety, is pretty overblown. Tactics was cool - I did like that. But even the stories still have so much recycled and clichéd material. Of all the ones I played, (1, some of 6, 7, 9, and 10), yes, FF7 was, in fact, my favorite, but I only liked parts of it. Really, the dystopia of Midgar and Junon - but once I got to the 2nd disc, the game lost its appeal to me. (That, and Rufus, my favorite character, being resurrected in Advent Children, pissed me off. Also, AC is a travesty in the guise of a movie.)

Also, my biggest beef with them, is that, regardless of the little re-inventions of battle systems and magic systems and what-not, an RPG is still an RPG, and the genre doesn't have too much to offer outside of a good story. And once you've played a hundred and a half, you really HAVE played them all.

I also think Resident Evil is extremely overrated. Two and three were good. Three, not because it was particularly groundbreaking, but because I fucking love Nemesis. I didn't get into the GameCube remakes and side-stories and such, and I didn't like three overall, and I didn't really get into Code Veronica, and then the movies came out. The movies, really, show me how Capcom really has no limit to the depths they'll sink to make a buck or two. And the fact that there are THREE of them? Jesus. Although the movie sucked, Silent Hill is just a better survival horror series. Period.