Perhaps he made an error, maybe this wasn’t going to be as easy as he thought. It didn’t matter if the one woman didn’t have a clue as to what she had gotten herself into anymore. She had managed to dodge his halberd with a simple tumble backwards and send a cloud of dust at her attacker. That was when he realized that although she didn’t intend on being there, she could handle herself. As for his punishment for underestimating, Zerith was having a coughing fit and had to shield his eyes. Even worse, that made him unaware of the staff that was being thrust towards his feet.

However help arrived in the form of the sentence, “How could you start without me”. Followed by the ringing of a sword being unsheathed, it had to be Torin. He even went further to even block knock away the staff that was about to hurt his comrade. “Go left,” the voice suggested. What did Zerith have to lose?

Although he hadn’t be able to see his teammate, Zerith did as he was advised. He quickly brought his arm down from his face so he could see where he was going and ran behind another large rock. Although he was unable to see where Torin left he concluded that he couldn’t have gone too far, the laughter made that much certain. What was he doing that would make him so amused?

“You didn’t expect me to wait forever, did you Torin?” Zerith asked. He was just assuming this was his partner, or why else would he have helped the youth in the first place? “But now that you’re here, The LCC can officially start for the two of us.”

While Torin was busy capturing the attention of the two women, Zerith was to action. Grabbing a small rock he brought his arm back and threw it further to into the house on his left to try and make it seem like he ran in there. He waited only for a second before he moved right and out from behind his cover. Sometime during the time spent in hiding Torin had taken the liberty of throwing some sand at their competition. “That’s perfect,” Zerith thought. “It nice to see that my companion has some understanding of teamwork.”

The young fighter made another approach while moving as quietly and as fast as he could. Hopefully Torin would be able to hold the women’s attention for a bit longer while Zerith moved closer to his next target. This time he would go for the staff wielder who was probably lost somewhere in the cloud of sand. As soon as he was close enough he attacked, thrusting the spear point of his polearm at her shoulder. Hopefully by utilizing the dust that surrounded them and the reach of his halberd, Zerith would actually be able to deal some damage this time. If this worked she wouldn’t know what hit her until her felt the sharp metal sinking into her skin and digging into her bone.

But then again this woman did ask for it. She did have some idea what she was getting herself into.