Slowly she entered the building, for a few moments she could hear nothing but quiet stillness. The silence calmed her a bit, she had feared for a moment when the vendor had tried to woo her into buying one of his silly gaudy weapons that the man had another intentions on his mind. It seemed that while he was trying to urge her to buy a weapon, he was also peeking at her lavishly clad body. This had scared her for a moment, but her mind had been so set on getting to her match, that she had simply jerked herself away from the man's hard grip. Leaning briefly against the wall she thought to herself He probably just desperately wanted my gold coins....not my body... Peeking down at her soft halter top and snug leather pants, she sighed as she stretched and finished up her thoughts I know I look good...but this is a tournament...not some dark corner in the black market of Radasanth...the merchant's here just want gold...not a woman....

With her mind cleared about her worries on the vendor, she pushed herself off the cold wall, padding softly as her steps echoed down the concrete floor. She soon reached a plain wooden door. Pushing it open, quite a sight met her eyes.

Before the vixen stood a large cage, it was cold look, stoic with clear metal chains snaking along the metallic walls. She knew that Seth probably had something to do with this. Shaking her head as her tongue ran lightly over her lips she thought to herself Just great....a cage...and then you have demon...put a demon unhindered into a cage and then you have a blood bath.... Her eyes slowly left the snake like chains to fall on the freed form of her partner. It seemed that the battle had started with out her, which left her to look like even more of a fool. Gritting her teeth, her boots softly tread across the cold metal of the floor.

Reaching the cage door, she hoisted herself up onto the small platform. Still not seeing her opponents she sighed as she reached for the door. However, the last dying notes of music could be heard. Shaking her head she pushed the door open, it seemed that some sort of dance had taken place because just as Sivienna creaked the door open, the last dancer that someone had called was disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

Rubbing her eyes Sivienna muttered softly "Who ordered the band?" Her lilac orbs then looked around the cage, it seemed that Seth was already locked in combat with what appeared to be a dark elf. Shaking her head, Sivienna walked a few paces forward before she loudly stated over the clang of metal upon metal. "Gee Seth! Nice of you to wait for me! What did you want to do? Fight this battle on your own?" Moving forward her eyes grew hotter as she shouted "Then were you just going to come back to the hotel and say that I wasn't needed?!" Itching to do what she had done when she had seen him last in Corone, her hand flexed briefly. In a controlled voice she said softly "If we weren't locked in a cage like animals, I'd so hit you Seth! We agreed to be partners and that means fighting together! Next time you leave me behind...I..." Grumbling to herself, Sivienna merely hissed lightly as she said softly "Never mind Seth...just next time don't leave me really does look foolish when this is a two on two fight..."

She then looked around the cage, her boots softly moving over the coldness. She could smell another being animal of some sort. Soon her eyes had fallen on the elephant...blinking in shock, her mouth fell open as she murmurs loudly "Oi and now you left me to fight and elephant Seth...gee..."Dryly she laughs as she murmurs "Thanks...."