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Thread: Karl and Kiro - The Unfinished File

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    Karl and Kiro - The Unfinished File

    Name: Karl

    Race: Undead Human
    Gender: Male

    Height: 1m 95
    Weight: 95 Kg
    Age: 3578
    Age appearance: 25

    Eyes: Dark brown
    Hair: Long, brown hair falling just over his shoulders
    Home: None

    Appearance: Karl looks like any ordinary man. His long brown hair passes his shoulders just barely. His dark brown eyes give him a trustworthy look. The only thing that is odd about him, is the large white tiger that seems to go wherever Karl goes. Kiro, as the tiger is called, will aid Karl in anything he encounters. With advise or action, Kiro is ready.


    The tale of Karl starts millennia ago. He lived in small, peaceful village. Live was perfect for him. He was about to marry his childhood love. His chances were high of becoming the clan leader in perhaps just a couple of years. He was an accomplished hunter and had proven himself on the battlefield.

    The most beautiful day of a lifetime…

    Finally the big day came. He got up early and took a bath in the springs near the mountains. The first birds whistled their morning song. It seemed as if they were greeting him.
    Karl dressed himself and walked towards the village.

    He walked to the house of his bride and knocked on the door. She opened the door and looked smiling at her future husband. “Anda, “ he said “you look more beautiful then every day before this one.” Anda giggled. “Oh Karl, stop your flattering. Let’s go! They are expecting us in the plaza!” Karl smiled and offered Anda his arm. She took it, and together they walked to the plaze.

    The entire community had stopped their daily rituals and gathered around the wooden stage. Anda and Karl climbed on the stage together. The village elder looked down on the young couple. Karl was destined to become the clan leader, and Anda seemed to be the perfect wife. The ceremony started. The elder presented a sharp silver blade on a pillow. Karl took the knife of the pillow and allowed the sun to reflect in it. He grabbed the hand of Anda and with a quick slash he cut the back of her hand open. It was a deep wound, bound to leave a scar. He then did the exact same thing to himself and held the wounds closely together so their blood would mix. This sealed a blood pact and made an everlasting union of their souls.

    …turned sour

    The entire day was filled with festivities. Drinks, food, laughter, music, dancing. It all was perfect. How could they know what was lurking up in the hills? Darkness fell. And with the increased amount of alcohol consumed the noise went up and the alertness of the guards dropped. Anda and Karl, a bit woozy from all the drinks, danced and laughed. And finally the time came for them to sleep together for the very first time. Both a bit nervous and giggly they walked to the hut of Karl. He opened the door and let her in.


    The village returned to its more peaceful state as everyone went to bed. Little did they know that a thousand pair of blood thirsty eyes were eagerly watching, waiting until they could make their move. The dark woods surrounding the wooden walls were crowded with archers and swordfighters. The entire village was quiet, the cry of an owl echoed through the woods. Normally a not uncommon sound, but this was the signal for the bandits to start the raid. Hundreds of arrows blocked the sight of the pail moon. The guards on the wall and in the towers never stood a chance.

    The gates opened from the inside. One of the villagers deeply bowed for a man wearing red robes. The robes were covered with strands of human hair. This obviously was the leader. He walked passed the man as if he did not notice him. But he turned around like a whirlwind and separated the mans head from its shoulders. He cut some of his hair of. Smelled and licked it and tied it to his belt. The raiders stormed through the town. They opened doors, killed everyone inside, stole all the valuables, killed the life stock. Until they reached the bridal hut of Karl and Anda. The bandit leader opened the door. His eyes lit up as he saw the young couple lying naked in bed. He ordered three men to drag Karl outside of the hut.

    The young man fought for what he was worth, but the three thugs pinned him down to the floor. The leader dragged Anda out. He dropped his pants and made Karl watch as he molested his wife. Her cries torn the night apart. They eventually died down to a silent crying. There she laid, naked and between the corpses of her people. Her husband, just two metres away, but unable to do anything. She saw that he had been crying. She reached out to him, but her hand froze in mid-air. Shivered a bit and then fell lifeless to the ground. Karl screamed and shouted but soon his cries stopped. A spear ran through his body, and deep into the ground.


    He felt nothing. He was not cold, not warm. There was absolutely nothing, but a small peck of light in the distance. [I]So this is how it feels[I] he thought, being dead. Knowing that there was nothing else he could do he walked towards the light. It seemed as if it took ages, but finally the light seemed to grow. He arrived at a portal of some sort and stepped through it. The darkness was immediately replaced by a bright light.

    Karl! Welcome in my realm! I am The Judge. I shall decide weather you will live a life of prosperity and wellness or if you are sentenced to an eternity of suffering. Now let me see.. where is that file..

    Karl was confused. Who was that voice that seemed to be omnipresent? The Judge, file, suffering? What the hell was he talking about? Just as Karl wanted to ask questions to clear the situation up the voice echoed:

    Karl! Your file is not completed! You have unfinished business to attend to. You shall remain in my realm for now but be prepared to return. This file must be finished. Now go ahead, and enter…

    “Wait!” Karl shouted. But the voice did not answer. A sparkle from the right grabbed Karl his attention. A golden gate opened. He saw the most beautiful world he ever laid his eyes on.

    A new soulmate

    It was a grassy landscape, hills and mountains as far as he could see. Everywhere he looked he saw angels flying around. Karl, as curious as he was, felt if he had those wings as well, but he did not feel them.

    You want to fly Karl?

    Karl jumped almost a mile up in the air. “What do you want now Judge!?”

    Judge? I am not The Judge! It’s me Kiro

    “Kiro? I do not know any Kiro! ROARRRR! Karl almost wet his pants. He turned around and saw a large, strong white tiger standing behind him. The ferocious beast opened his jaws, displaying teeth that would easily tear him apart. Karl was convinced that this was the idea of the beast, so he prepared for the inevitable. But then the beast started to speak:

    “I am Kiro. I am the personification of your soul. The second you died I parted from your body and materialized in this form. This is how I embody your courage, your strength, your passion. We are one, and yet we apart. It is our destiny to complete the file so we may rest. I know you have thousands of questions, I can hear them all. But I do not know these answers either.”

    Karl nodded. He walked towards one of the angels. He said: “What can you tell me about this place? And what about that tiger there that says it is my soul?” The angel flew away. “He can not see you. The bodies of these angels live in the same physical realm, yet their spirits are on another spiritual realm. Angels are passed away humans and need a spiritual connection with you to communicate.” Karl turned towards Kiro and said: “You are my spirit, can you communicate with them?”
    Kiro said: “No, my spiritual presence is in the same physical realm as you are. So direct communication is impossible. Perhaps somebody will teach us how to do it in the future.”


    Karl had spent many millennia in heaven. He had honed his skills with the blade and fighting together with Kiro. The two of them did not need to speak. Kiro knew what Karl wanted before he knew it himself. This made Kiro a good asset in battle.

    Karl and Kiro! It is time for you to return and complete your file! Do your travels, have adventures, be good. One day we will meet again! Take this weapon and go!

    Karl opened his eyes. He knew he had left heaven. He was back on earth. Kiro was nearby, he heard him breathing. Next to him was a backpack with basic necessities like food and water. Around his waist was a blade and he felt a small dagger behind is belt on his back. Karl got up, woke Kiro up, and both they left towards adventure…

    Skills of Karl:


    Karl was destined to lead his people. That is why the best warriors and hunters trained him with the short sword, the long swords, daggers, knives. Virtually any type of blade is weapon where Karl feels comfortable with. However, Karl lacks experience. He has passed the rank of apprentice, yet he may not call himself a swordfighter yet. With the proper training and experiences this will improve.

    Skills of Kiro:

    Kiro is capable of some minor spells. These are supporting spells and most do not cause a lot of damage. Next to that, Kiro has better senses then humans. He smells, hears or sees other life forms much faster then Karl can. However, because of their soul connection, Karl knows what Kiro knows and vice versa.


    Karl can use Kiro to restore some of his lost health. This however is a very exhausting procedure. It drains the life energy of Kiro, Karl his soul, and channels it to Karl. This physically weakens Kiro. Karl has a part of his physical energy restored, but his alertness and attention drastically reduces.

    Soul Flare

    Using spiritual energy, Kiro can unleash a flash of the brightest energy. This is used to temporarily blind opponents.

    Copy Cat

    Using his energy, Kiro can either duplicate himself or Karl to confuse the opponent. The copies can not do any damage, but can use Soul Flare. One strike, or one attack and the copy is gone. It is not possible to copy both at the same time. This spell may be used one time in battle.

    Aura of Protection

    Kiro raises a wall of energy deflecting and protecting against minor spells and melee attacks. It will last only one attack or strike.

    Combined Skills

    Karl and Kiro can communicate using normal speech and using their spiritual bond.
    These channels of communication offer them a significant advantage in combat. Kiro will mainly follow the orders of Karl, but may act on his own.

    Kiro is a handy companion, for he can travel relatively heavy equipment without losing much of his speed or agility.

    Familiars: Karl travels with a great white tiger, Kiro. This beast is his soul. Kill Karl, you kill the tiger. You can not kill the tiger without the proper skills, yet you can hurt it and therefore hurt Karl. (Idea came out of the movie Golden Compass, 2007) (Note to mod: However it is difficult to kill Kiro, it can be physically hurt. This also hurts Karl. So Kiro is not an invincible beast or something.)

    For Kiro is the materialization of Karl his soul, he embodies some of Karl his virtues. Kiro stands for passion, strength, resilience and courage. But also for the burning anger that consumes Karl for the loss of his love.


    Kiro is unprotected except for his natural weapons and abilities. Karl however caries a sword and a dagger. His body is protected by a leather cuirass. He also has leather leg protection. In his bag Karl carries a leather helmet.

    Short Sword of Vengeance

    This steel blade has been forged in the eternal flames of Mount Curot. It’s fiery properties are famous in the Lands of the Low, an ancient race that ruled in the earliest days of men.
    Long forgotten, but now back in the lands of the living, it rests in Karl his hands. Karl is still unaware of the abilities this sword has. They will unfold themselves the day it is needed.
    Last edited by The_Obsolete_Master; 05-31-08 at 09:02 AM.

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