Name: Celestial-Peace Kaniko (Celeste for short)
Age: 17
Race: Human
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Emerald green
Height: 5ft 3in
Weight: 50kg
Occupation: Medic

Personality: Celeste is usually a very quiet person, who keeps to herself quite a lot. Although she is usually like this, she loves being around the few people she loves and trusts, meaning that she will suddenly become a lot louder around them. Celeste is also a very caring person, as she will always try and help those in need, especially the poor and the injured. Around the people she does not know very well, such as strangers, she is very meek and shy, hardly ever making eye contact or looking at them. If she has to talk to them, then it is only a few words in a mumble barely audible to the person/people she is talking to. Although she does not speak to strangers often, if the situation is dire then she does not care about who she talks to and how she talks to them.

Appearance: Only being 5ft 3in and 50kg in weight, Celeste is very small and very thin. The first thing that usually stands out about her are her large emerald green eyes, shining out from underneath a mass of flame red hair, which falls to the bottom of her back, only cut short for a fringe that covers the whole of her forehead. This is normally tied back into a single high ponytail at the back of her head, causing her hair to cascade down in many thick sections. She has a gentle angled jaw, which softens the striking features on her face. Normally, she wears a high-necked mocha-coloured top along with a white-sleeved jacket. To go with this, she always wears a knee-length pleated skirt, the same colour as the top that she wears. Along with these, she wears a pair of black ankle-boots, allowing another few inches to be added to her height, along with a pair of white socks that end just below the knee. The only decoration that she wears is a white lily fastened in to where her ponytail starts, contrasting against the flame red of her hair.

History: Celeste has always been interested in helping people because that was the way that her parents had brought her up. Both her mother and Father were medics and have brought Celeste up to know all about the body and how it works, as well as about all the different illnesses and injuries, and how to treat them. Although her Mother died when she was only 10 years old whilst saving a stranger's life, this has inspired Celeste to carry on her Mother's work. She still learns from her Father and works for him in his own business, but she still finds the time to go out and help the poor on the street who cannot afford treatment. Luckily, her Father does not disapprove of this, even though they need the money, and the only thing that he ensures she does is carry her whip with her at all times for her own safely.

Whip use - Celeste can use any type of whip in many different ways, such as in combat or in retrieving items from a long distance. Although whips are usually low accuracy, they can cover a wide area, meaning that what they can sometimes lack in accuracy is made up for in range and area covered.
First Aid - Celeste has always loved to help people so first aid is a must for her. She can realign broken bones and relocate dislocations, as well as deal with both minor or major cuts and burns.

Chain Whip - A long whip of around 5 meters long as the maximum length made of many links of lightweight brass, meaning that it does not rust and is easy to carry. It folds away neatly and quickly at the flick of a wrist in the right way. Also, this weapon can be made shorter by holding part of the chain against the handle.
Canvas bag - A small bag that is carried on the shoulder that can hold a few small items.
First Aid Kit - This nifty little kit contains many bandages and plasters for all different types of injuries. Also, pure ethanol for cleaning wounds is also in this kit. This is carried in the canvas bag.

Familiar: A small black kitten, which Celeste named Lily, because she found her close to death surrounded by white lily plants. She nursed Lily back to health and she is now like a best friend to Celeste. Although she can't speak, Celeste knows exactly what Lily means from the different tones of noises that she makes.