The heros that had been brought up out of the tower were ushered into the holds to rest and mend themselves. The airship rumbled and shook as it fought to escape the reach of the black tower. It was as if the very stone of the place refused to let go. When it seemed as if there would be no escape, undead fingers prying at the hatch as the crew hacked away at them, the ship shuddered for a final time. With the creak and scream of bending metal, she came free and flew high into the air. Cables moaned as the ship was turned and soon the howl of the small army that had been attacking died away.

"Where are we going, sir?" one of the assistants asked the old mechanic, who was steadily turning the airship back to where they had come from. The elves looked nervous, their minds wondering why they'd possibly be moving away from the hoardes they'd been ready to fight, from more heroes they'd been ready to assist.

"We're taking this lot to the border, where they can move for safety or Anebrilith, whatever they choose." he said. No one said anything afterwards. The weight of combat was already upon them, short as it had been.
