Destrudo grinned. Oh why oh why did this motley fool ever think Destrudo was out of tricks? Anyone could punch, but it took more skill than that to actually use hands as weapons, and Zaith had practically handed use of his over to Destrudo.

He grabbed Zaith's arm, and pushed the Elbow joint in the opposite way it was supposed to bend, slamming it with all the force his right hand could muster. Since Destrudo was taller than Zaith an effective choking would inevitably force his arm to be straight and close to Destrudo's body. The end result of an effective attack, would be for Zaith's arm to be broken and unusable, as the elbow joint gets broken from bending in ways it isn't supposed to.

At the same time, he twisted with the left, the hand gripping Zaith's arm, to twist Zaith's arm off his neck forcibly. How much longer would it take for Zaith to realize he was outclassed?

Destrudo followed this two-pronged attack up with a knee to the groin. It was time to pull out the wrestling moves, now that he was close.