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Thread: Teachings of Death : Tenmatsu Tenimi Vs F. Necroticans

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  1. #1
    Tenmatsu Tenimi

    Teachings of Death : Tenmatsu Tenimi Vs F. Necroticans

    Out of Character:
    Here is the layout of the arena so you know what is what and the layout.

    The arena itself is not an arena, more like a clocktower.

    From the outside it stands almost 50 stories tall, with 4 faces, one on each side of the tower for viewing and destruction. It shows the time of the day no matter how you look at it. The numbers on the tower are each 12 feet tall and 6 feet thick of steel. The glass that holds the numbers up is not glass, it is a type of admantine, a material that looks like glass but is stronger then steel but weaker then titanium. So sending a normal person through the windows will be a hell of a trial; since nothing uner 500 pounds will even crack these windows.

    Underneath each face, in a row are lined 3 stained glass windows with each side representing something else. For example; the windows to the north represent life and have pictures of life on them Examples being a pregnant woman, a family, and old age. The windows to the south are the opposite of those windows. They represent death, and the windows show Death (aka the Grim Reaper), a casket and tombstone. The windows to the East represent Love; therefore the windows have a heart on one, lovers on the next and a ring on the last. Now the widows to the West represent Hate. And they show fires, violence and weapons.

    Now the inside is alot, and I mean alot different. Gears, coils, springs, bolts, even the 12 windows are all seen from inside the tower. You can see each of the windows from the middle of the arena and only there.

    The main gear where you first stand is roughly 15 feet by 15 feet and is 8 feet thick, of wood and steel.

    At the bottom of this tower is pure concrete, so hitting this floor from above is an instant death, unless you can float, fly, or anything of the sort.

    And when you enter this tower, the door, which stands roughly 10 feet tall by 5 feet wide vanishes untill only one stands. And when it vanishes, a gear, an odd colored gear appears. A pure jet black gear takes it place, to represent where the door in and out lies.

    Standing 7'5, very muscular due to his age and profession. his clothing is torn and battered, The shirt itself is black leather with red blotches all over it, torn and ripped. The pants themselves are same material with red blotches down to the knee then they somehow stop. the pants are of a cargo jean type yet made of leather. Along with the clothes there he also wears a chameleon cloak to help him blend in with the environment. The cloak is jet black yet in certian light it looks blue, in others red. The cloak can button down all the way the front of it, it has sleeves for his arms.

    Tenmatsu Tenimi,the Demi-god of death, the newest memeber to the Dajas Pagoda since his last opponent, A Nony Mouse never showed; Which resulted in an auto- forfit. Tenmatsu stood silently at the entrance to the Pagoda, waiting on his first challenger; The feeling is new to him. It feels good, it feels like taking that first breath of air when you wnter the new world.

    The time of day was dusk, and at this time the wind is calming down; but still strong enough to sway branches and blow. In the distance wolves are howling, birds are whistling, people are talking and walking around, either eyeing Tenmatsu or going home. It is late so people want to get home before things go bump in the night; such as murders, rapes, robberys the works.

    The reason Tenmatsu is standing outside his clock tower is cause he caught wind of fresh meat and decided to test the waters as they say.He heard the name after his last fight at the Pagoda, Against Sorahn. The Aibrone's told him of this person after that fight had been done adn over with. Tenmatsu agreed to fighting him; very happily agreed. The challenger is some kind of person named Damien Avetritus Aequitas, Research shows he is a half- elf. And wouldn't you know, Tenmatsu has a distinct hatred for any kind of elves, the good, the bad or even the ugly; Although you never find an ugly elf.

    Now Tenmatsu is never one to turn down any challenge, no matter who they are or what they are.

    As the sun vanishes Tenmatsu walks back into his Tower and await his opponent who is about to learn a lesson from Death himself.
    Last edited by Tenmatsu Tenimi; 02-23-09 at 02:50 AM.

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