Name: Duke

Age: 27 in Moogle Years (How many years is a human year in moogle years? How the [KUPO!] should I know?

Sex: Mog. (That's right ladies, he's allllll mog.)

Height: 4' nothing.


Hair Colour: Peachy

Eye Colour: Black and squinty

Occupation: Scriber, Artificer, Drunk, Synthesizer

Personality: Frugal, Crass, and otherwise polite moogle who means well, but never really gets to say it correctly.

Appearance: Duke is a small creature mostly associated with a rat with wings! His wings are purple and his fuzzy peach fur makes him a very distinct creature. However it has to be the red Pom Pom that drives the ladies wild. He has a large brown satchel that holds some dolls, and a very large book. He asks you please don’t touch the pom pom.

Weapons: Duke has furry little claws, and Tiny moogle feet. He also carries a an oak staff he dubs "The Cane" which is a very useful walking stick he only brings out when his DOM side is taking root.

Duke has been given very special components to create a magical weapon of intense power. A Golden Snuff Box, A Golden Lighter, And A Golden Pen...when combined they create guessed it, the GOLDEN GUN! However, as useful as it is, Duke can only fire wooden bullets at tier oak. He has fifty shots.

(The Golden Gun IS in Duke's Inventory, purchased at the Red Hand in old Althanas. Tainted Bushido (Seth Dahlios) Can attest to this claim)

Armour: He bares it all in the fur baby!

Skills and Abilities:
DOLLS: Duke has over the years accumulated several dolls he holds dearly to him. They can come alive and help him in tough spots. Each Doll does something different.

Ankle Biter: Is about half Duke's size and is a monstrous creature with claws and a horned nose that rushes towards his foe and begins to ruthlessly attack the opponents ankles. Made of Titanium it's impossible to destroy him, but kicking him away is always viable. If left alone for four posts, he can begin to chew apart the enemy armor or start to inflict harm upon the foe with his tiny titanium metal claws. That's assuming he doesn't go flying first.

Little Green Guy: A creature who befriended duke long, long ago in the deserts of Fallien, he can jump in the air, shout "BOI!" and do throw thousands of tiny needles at the foe. However, only 5 of those needles may actually hurt, and if the foe where's armor, well then forget this for it just bounces off.

Arfy: Arfy, the weird Ball like dog with a giant chain attached to him runs forward screaming "ARF, ARF, ARF!" and bowls over anything in his way. However, this is not to be used as a combat attack and thus anyone in the way will just be pushed over, but not harmed. It's purpose is for escapes only. (In effect, saves him from danger for one post)

Doink: Doink is an odd little turtle like creature with dusty brown robes and a very rusty knife. He walks up to the foe and says "Doink" in a calm manner and pokes his foe. However, his foe 9/10 times is Duke, so opponents need not fear. Knife= Rusted Iron in strength.

Choco-Cat: Choco cat has no combat use, or even any real uses at all. He just kinda...stares at you with this blank expression. It's hard to tell if he's going to kill you or...hug you...

Friends: Tim: Tim is a very low IQ Yan. (a cross between a sheep and a bad day) He speaks like he is in the third grade with a heart of gold. Obsessed with the Round Guy, he searches for him with Duke. Duke says Kupo, Tim says Kipo. I smell a sitcom! Tim has a special attack called, SNORT: Which he blows a gust of flame to toss the enemy away. This attack does no physical or magical damage, but blasts the opponent away for two posts. Usable only once per battle, may not be an opening move or a finishing move)

Golden Bird: Duke knows if he plays a certain tune that goes something akin to "HOLY [KUPO!]ING [KUPO!], Kupo! I NEED HELP!" Than a mysterious golden bird squawks "Kwehh!" And swoops down to take Tim, Duke, and one other Human sized character with him away from danger. The bird is swift, and takes them away about one posts length distance. (In effect, saves him from danger for one post using flight)

Real Skills: Skills Duke can do on his own.

Synthesizing: The art of taking two elements and making a new element. Duke is pretty crafty with this. He can take random rocks and medicines and create real wonders…..or horrors. Duke has a knack for doing well with two items, but the bigger the recipe, the higher percentage chance he will screw up. At level 0, he had an 80 percent chance that each two item recipe would be successful, and each additional item would lower the chance by twenty percent. At level one he has an 80% chance of success with two items, and a 15% penalty for each added ingredient. As he levels the percentage to fail is lowered by 5% until it reaches zero, and then he gets an 85% chance of success with two items, and a 20% penalty for each added ingredient and so forth until he masters his art. Level 5= 85% with 2 items, and a 10% difficulty with each added item.

Artificer: Duke has seen many things with his book and heard many stories that he has recorded as well. At his current level he has a 85% chance of identifying an item as an artifact (Over 50 years old) or if it isn’t. On top of that he has a 55% chance of correctly knowing what the hell it is. He can also use this knowledge of artifacts to use them and also aid him in alchemy or synthesizing.

History: For Duke he was told to live a simple life. His mother raised him to sit in one spot and listen to adventurers bitch about what they had to go through and he had to write it all down. For years the moogle had done this. But he dreamed of wanting more. One day a man named Hades decided to grant this little moogle his wish. (Besides, Hades thought Kupo! Was very disrespectful. Who knew?) It was here in this strange new world that he met Andy Rorton who was searching for his ex boyfriend. The moogle had made many friends, fought Lucifer, met the round guy (but has no recollection of such events), and has these goals in life:

Duke has been trying his damned best to synthesize the driest martini. Learn why if he had wings than why did he walk. And help Tim find the Round Guy.

As his adventures grew, so did his vast collection of friends and plushy dolls. He has gone into the underground and emerged from that dark place as Dom Kupo! Kupo Extraordinaire! With his vast systems Duke can rely on a vast network of underground associates to gather intel. He uses this intel to gather information on the fabled Toy Maker...a foe worthy of the Dom's attentions....

But until then he just sits around with his friends and has a good time contemplating his greater plans. However, one day he was approached by a mysterious man of the cloth....