Greetings fellow roleplayers!

I am Tristam, one of the moderating staff at the Tazlure Roleplaying forum. Over there I am known as the Magic Mod and feel that any thread can be improved by the addition of demons. It has fallen to me to tell you all about our unique little community of international gamers, so here we go.

From its awesome beginnings as a tabletop game of our Dutch founders, Tazlure has evolved into a moderated High Fantasy PBP of about 100 players from all over the world. Since 2001, we’ve made our focus creative writing and telling a good story using our homebrew system. We have high drama, low comedy, court intrigue, honorable combat and all points in between. Tazlure does not shy away from gritty realism or mature situations if the story leads us there. Accordingly, we only allow players that are age 14 and older.

In keeping the balance between the realities of our world and the limitless possibilities of the imagination, Tazure follows two guiding principles.

“Actions have consequences,” and “If it is cool, go with it!”

So if you are interested in exploring the world of Tazlure, you will find history and currents events chronicled on our wiki, and the forums themselves can be found at

And now I leave you with scene from a recent thread to whet your appetite for the banquet to come.

Morgan pursed his lips as he assessed the situation before him. Swiftly he stopped channeling energy into the flame in his hand, letting it starve itself and die. He'd had success with fire before, but the situation was different. With innocents behind him and in front of him to his left, he couldn't afford to let loose a wave of indiscriminate energy. Any strike he made against the crab-things needed to be more targeted.

The beasts themselves intrigued Morgan. For a student, he had a surprisingly advanced knowledge of daemons and the Netheric, but the monsters he was faced with were something new. They resembled crabs, yet they didn't seem to be warped Tether beings like the hellhounds and ratmen the Changer had employed against the Citadel, which meant they were likely native to the Nether itself. Either way, the situation didn't leave him with enough time to pursue a detailed study.

Morgan was impressed with the red-haired girl's courage and tenacity - to say nothing of the fact that he was partial to redheads in general - but he could see that her defense wouldn't last, as each blow against her wards was draining her physically. Then the wave of platinum energy washed over him, and he was momentarily gobsmacked. It certainly is a night for miracles and strange things. Whatever had just happened, it had to be the largest release of sorcerous energy that Morgan had ever experienced.

Enough. Time to take control. He needed to distract the crab-beasts from the weakened girl. "Hey!" he called out angrily. The creatures might not recognise the sentiment of challenge, but he hoped they would at least take note of his presence. Either way, he wasn't going to waste any more time on words. Plunging deep into his Aetheric sight, he drew upon the energies of the storm: energies of which Morgan himself had once been on the receiving end. Both feet firmly on the ground at the bottom of the stairwell, he drew coils and tangles of the crackling energy to him, concentrating on holding them at arm's length for two and a half flickers - and then willing them to arc across the gap between him and the nearer crab fiend in a bolt of destructive lightning.


Hope to see you at Tazlure!