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Thread: Raikou Kedamono

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    ryuhasigawa's Avatar

    Raikou Kedamono
    Human- of the Kedamono Liniage
    Hair Color
    Eye Color
    height- 5'9"; weight- 155 lbs
    Traveler; Assassin; Medicine Man

    Raikou Kedamono

    Name: Raikou Kedamono
    Age: 18
    Race: Human
    Hair Color: Brown
    Eye Color: Green
    Height: 5'9"
    Weight: 155
    *Occupation: Traveler; Assassin; Docter

    *Personality: Timid, meek, not one to usually stand up for himself while in public... however, this is just an alias personality he has adapted. When he's on the job, it's like he's a whole new person. He concentrates on whatever it is he's doing with the utmost care and surprises many with the results he gives. He is thirsty for knowlage, and can be cold when gathering information. He has no sympathy for those he kills and doesn't hesitate to learn what it is he's killing them for. He does the job... that is it. He has learned death is a natural part of life and has learned to accept it, even when it comes time for him to go.

    Appearance: Thin and strong, Raikou is fit. He is fast, able to run seventeen miles per hour, and lift 250 pounds over his head. He has brown, matted hair and deep green eyes. His brown cloak covers a white tunic and black pants, all worn to the point they seem like they have perminant stains. However, Raikou keeps his family uniform in his packs.


    This young boy has lived by himself for most of his life. He was raised as a noble Knight as a part of the Kedamono Family. However, disaster struck when he was 16 years old. A plauge of unknown origins took his father and mother along with seven eighths of those living in the castle (around 50 including servents and house keepers and such). He had been one of the many sick... however, only he had survived. He had been told he was saved by the 'Almighty', whoever that was, and he was blessed. However, this didn't serve as a fuel for the fire that burned deep within him. There was no one to blame for such an occurance... no one to say 'it was your fault'. It just... happened...

    Adopted by a medicine man, Raikou was taught the art of poisons and antidotes. It was here that he felt most at home, even with everything going against him, however, this man caught the illness that had killed his parents and Raikou was convinced that he still carried the virus inside him. Gathering books, scrolls, and tools of the man's trade, Raikou left as to save the town from the deadly illness he was carrying.


    Medicine Craft (Average) [includes both poison and antidote]

    Poisons learned:




    Antidotes learned:

    Cure- This isn't so much an antidote for a specific poison as it is a remedy that helps a sick person to heal quicker. This is mainly used for fevers, colds, and other types of common illnesses... however, simple poisons are also neutralized by this.



    Poison Immunity-

    Working around poisons and medicens have given him an immunity to most simple concoctions, however, this isn't the only thing he is immune to. The deadly disease that had struck his family had also strengthed his immune system to withstand most common illnesses as well... however, also making him more suseptable to stronger variants of poisons.


    Duel Weilded Katanas (steel)- (Average)

    Not a traditional use of such a sword, however, his family wasn't a traditional sense of the word 'Knight' either. His family was granted the title due to their actions helping their country, not their profession. They were more Assassins than anything else, however, a more chivilrous assassin than one may expect.

    o Kedamono Style- When using Katanas, Raikou is better with duel weilding than single Katana using, however, has trained even after His parents died. He has developed a mix of his parents' fighting styles and his own.

    Duel Weilded Daggers (Iron)- (Below Average)

    The traditional tool of the Assassin. Raikou has learned to use these daggers as both long range and close range tools for fighting.

    o Kedamono Style- Explained above.

    Blow Gun- (Average)

    used for silent and long range assaults, Raikou is able to take out many a guard or animal with this weapon. Using poisons inside the darts can make this the weapon of choice for assassinations.


    Kedamono Family Uniform- (Cloth)

    Given only to those worthy of The Family Crest. This is such a prestigious position to their heratige that the Kedamono have been known to exile their own if they never reach a point in their training where they are worthy to bear The Family Crest. As all knights, the Kedamonos had family colors and a symbol representing their family. Hand picked, the Kedamonos chose black as the main color of the family, symbolizing darkness, and blue, symbolizing either the time before the breaking dawn or the time just before the night... this part of the family's tradition is unclear, however, tastefully so. The Symbol chosen for the family was a golden Pheonix because it symbolized rebirth through death, even though they were killing, they were killing to make the world a better place so the people would live easier. The uniform covers the entire body with black, leaving a slit for the eyes to see from. The golden pheonix is always sewn on the left over the chest over the person's 'heart'. The edges of the clothing is lined in a night blue, almost blending with the black that surrounds it. On the back and at either side is a place for the Katanas and Daggers, all shaped to the talon-like blades of the Kedamono styled irons that fit there. In either of his boots, two more daggers are hidden, and on either arm of the uniform were two MORE areas to store daggers. Kept hidden under the chest peice is a metal tube and the darts.


    *Daggers- explained above
    Duel Katanas- explained above
    Blow gun- explained above
    Change of cloths- Normally white tunics and black pants, however, will discribe at the begining of thread.
    Family Uniform- Crested with the family's symbol, this is his assassin garb
    one roll of 10 darts each (all with compartments for poisons)- paired with Blow gun
    *Lockpick Kit- used to get into houses
    Books and Scrolls containing information on Poisons and Antidotes-
    5 rolls of Rope- used for whatever
    *Climbing Claws- used for climbing smooth surfaces
    Medicen/Poisen Crafting Kit- used when practicing his craft
    Medical Pack- used when injured or treating the injured
    Tent- used for shelter
    Bedroll- used for sleeping
    1 Large Bag (used for various carrying of items. only 1 is used to carry above items)- contains Horse feed, all items seen above, and other items bought in towns.
    2 medium sized Bags- used for carrying towels, bandages, firewood, matches, pots, pans, and silverwear as well as other things bought in towns.
    4 small Bags- used for storing components for Poisons and antidotes

    * this means it's always carried with him.

    *Familiars: A pet Peregrin Hawk. This Hunter among birds is ideal for catching small rodents, small birds, or even finding water or the nearest town. Also good for distractions, this bird has always been Raikou's companion when traveling
    Last edited by ryuhasigawa; 12-17-08 at 12:32 PM.

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