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Thread: Kasei Yamanako

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    KaseiYamanako's Avatar

    Kasei Yamanako
    Shade(Hybrid 1/2 wolf 1/2 human basically)
    Hair Color
    Black with white streaks
    Eye Color
    mixture of black and white

    Kasei Yamanako

    Err..I'm sure there's a lot to get fixed but I'm putting it cause I don't know what I was supposed to do, but it's a start so I know what to fix before deadline >_< On another note: I try not to use things that are based within the real world too much, i.e. metals like steel, titanium, etc. Most things I use are created from his power, thus making them much different than everything else. If this is a problem let me know.

    Also, my history was cut cause I can't find it, but it's the old one since I've redone Kasei and haven't had time to rewrite his history, sorry about that.

    Name: Kasei Yamanako
    Age: Unknown, late teens to early twenties
    Race: Hybrid(Shade)-Kasei is a created race by me, Shade is the highest form of the hybrids from his world. Without extensive training their bodies are able to handle speeds of mach 2 without aid and use/move things up to 3tons
    Sex: Male
    Height: 5'11
    Weight: 155lbs
    Hair Color: Black with white streaks
    Eye Color: Mixture of black and white
    Occupation: Shaman
    Personality: Laid back, lazy and loves to fight or start one at times. His attitude is always changing depending on the time and who.
    Appearance: Clothing (Normal): Kasei usually wears a jet black tightly fitted vest with the picture of a wolf’s head covering the entire back of his vest, the wolf is colored white. His pants also jet black and loosely fitted coming up his knee is a white flame design. He also wears traditional samurai sandals that are also black with white socks. Kasei is known to always be in his part wolf form with his two tails handing from his back, they both are unusually long around four feet and seem to sway on their own without the aid of wind nor seeming to be affected by gravity
    Eyes:Twilight eyes: A mixture of black and white swirling constantly with his twilight power. His eyes allow him to see in two different visions, the first is the physical and the second is the spiritual. There are three levels to the Twilight eyes, base level is the one described above. Level 2 the eye becomes completely white with a black slit, within this level tracking powers are increases, also the use of the "elemental" forms of the Twilight energy are available for use(Guessing that for level 5 I can't let him have level 3 eyes yet?). Level 3: Eyes inverse with the black and white from level 2, within this level the Nightmare Wolf transformation is available for Kasei to use.
    Weapons: Twin dual bladed sabers, Higikeri and Usumidori. Single edged the longer is forty-two inches while the shorter is thirty-six, an inch wide for each blade with an inch of space between the two blades. Made from the Twilight power they are Twilight weapons, they don't follow any properties of known metals due to it being made from an energy source. These aren't carried on his body, but he'd open a portal instead to get them.

    Twilight: This is the power that run’s Kasei, without it he’s just normal. Twilight is the greatest asset Kasei possesses, with it he can drain dark and light based abilities and those of a dark or light origin. Ex: Vampires are dark based, Angles are light. Advancing his Twilight even further now it can also absorb those of essence, spirit and soul auras. Having studied with his powers further within the realm of Twilight he is able to give his Twilight the properties of the known elements, although they aren't the elements nor do they follow the same properties giving them since they are totally different to begin with. Twilight can take many forms and like everything involving twilight in the name they all possess the same powers as listed for twilight. Twilight can also be used for Kasei to stand and walk on if there is no floor present and giving its abilities twilight also purifies the air he breaths and protects him from acids and such which need to come into contact with his body which is normally covered in this aura. When Kasei moves on his twilight it gives him the ability to double his speed of movement when he needs it too, this allows him to reach speeds greater than most could ever dream of allowing him great range of movement. The Twilight Kasei uses is also elemental resistant, thus the reason why his weapons created from Twilight are unaffected by them.Twilight can not be destroyed by anything other than Twilight, but it can not destroy anything above steel.

    Twilight wolves: Summons wolves based with the twilight effect plus any desired "element " effect that they are used in conjunction with. They are known to attack with minds of their own, moving in packs of two usually the wolves are Kasei's favorite normal summon. Acting on their own but also to Kasei's will due to being made from his power the Wolves differ from the Wolf due to the fact that they are the average size of the wolves.

    Shaman power: This is something that is always active, this allows Kasei a third "vision" allowing him to track others not by his sight but by their aura or power they give off, most give off a light or dark aura but there are those who give off different colors such as red for fire, etc. This power allows him to tell the difference between a clone/illusion from the real being since every one has a life force aura that is specific to them and not a clone or illusion can have it.

    The Nightmare Wolf: This is Kasei's transformation, using the power of dreams and nightmares he becomes slightly possessed by one of the former rulers of his land, the nightmare energy is the same as Twilight just given a different name due to it being a nightmare Kasei had. Within this form Kasei is able to access his gene unlock which further enhances his body allowing him to move faster, stronger and more powerful summons(Which will come later as he levels up within this tournament?) There is one major summon involved with this transformation, everything else is the same as normal Kasei's abilities, just enhanced.

    (Old bio. >_<)
    Bio: Kasei was born into a family of fame; they have had everything that they could possibly want. His family was a great list of shamans who have been training and were known as the best, each shaman tournament that was held every 500 years someone of his family has won. Throughout history they have chosen one child at random to seal an elemental spirit into that way the child was able to be birthed again and still have that spirit with them while having another sealed within them. Now the child that was chosen seems to hold no past memories only techniques, seeming as if they were born with them.

    The child this time chosen already held the four elemental spirits within its tiny body, the spirits were also in their baby stages as they grew with the child to not overwhelm its body. The spirits were able to care for and press the child into the perfect being; this baby was named Kasei. Kasei grew up the first few years with his family, times for him were good but his people had different plans for him. During one summer night the village people attacked just his family while he remained sleeping within his crib, this was to ensure that Kasei would then follow them and do their deeds.

    Coming to the age of four Kasei then began the rigorous training of a samurai; his tiny body was pushed and pushed again. He began to learn the great ways while he studied his shaman decent, Kasei greatly wondered what happened and why he had no family while the rest of the village did. Approaching the elders of the village he began to question them about what happened to his family and why they were gone, coming up with a quick solution they told him that they were attacked by a group of wandering angry souls. Taking this in Kasei continued on with his life.

    Around his seventh birthday Kasei was gifted with his dual bladed sabers Usumidori and Higekiri, this was his greatest possession but little did he know that these would be used a few years later to take out many people and his own village who lied to him. Taking up his new blades he was barely able to hold them with his small size, having to use two hands to wield one of these blades he was trained in strength now to balance it out. With the elders seeing Kasei’s power rising beyond what they could teach him, they sent him to the cave of spiritual increase.

    Kasei now began this journey at the age of eight, before leaving he noticed a seal that was placed upon a well just outside of the village. Examining it a bit he seen that it was well protected with a very large power that he was unable to out-do, continuing his journey to this cave he began his hardest test of life. The cave was home to the seven great warriors, one of each element, then light, darkness and twilight. Starting a battle with each one individually Kasei first took on the warrior of fire, taking several tries he finally defeated him where upon he unlocked the fullest potential of the spirit of fire within his body. Doing so allowed Kasei the next level of fire that was able to engulf hells fire with a flame that was only hot to the touch allowing Kasei to summon the fire outside of this cave.

    Kasei took four years inside of this cave where he challenged each warrior for their power, the day finally came when he came to the warriors’ of light, dark and twilight. These three in particular gave him the hardest time; unknown to him was if he went for twilight first dark and light would be his, instead he went for the light. Defeating the light warrior proved to be much easier than any of the other elementals but this was due do the fact that he knew well that Kasei was unknown about this secret. Admiring Kasei’s strength he gifted Kasei with the spirit of light, having this fifth spirit placed within his body nearly killed him. His entire being changed, the spirit of light was much more powerful than any of the other spirits, this changed his entire body. His hair and clothing changed completely white, now coming to the spirit of darkness the same thing happened. The dark power was much stronger than Kasei anticipated as it unlocked his hate for not having family; this in turn made Kasei somewhat insane.

    Kasei now possessed six spirits inside of his body; with the addition of the spirit of darkness Kasei formed the shadow flames. For most of his journey inside of this cave his flames would prove his greatest weapon, while inside Kasei encountered a shape shifter. The shifter then battle Kasei, while both of them fought with they’re all, Kasei emerged victorious. The shifter of his last words spoke to Kasei, “What is your favorite animal?” Kasei thought for a moment while he held Usumidori at the throat of this being, “My animal is wolf, they are lone creatures like myself, I relate to their struggle because I myself am alone.” The darkness in Kasei’s heart then began to amplify; the very veins inside of his body began to glow darkly as he moved to finish the shifter. With his last breath the shifter then blessed and cursed Kasei, “You will become part of this animal…” as his body began to disappear Kasei began to change.

    Dropping to the ground in great pain Kasei’s entire physical structure began to change, growing from his back two long black wolf tails grew. They began to float about as canine teeth began to grow from his mouth, now having fangs and this tail he began to think he was now cursed with this demon appearance. His senses had all been heightened as his eyes changed, now completely black with a simple while slit for an iris they now were picking up on muscle movement of things around him. Having no choice but to continue on with this new form he now came to the temple inside of this cave belonging to the final warrior, the warrior of twilight.

    This is where most of Kasei’s time was spent, it took him four years inside of this cave, and two of them were spent trying to defeat the warrior of twilight. Kasei fought hard against this warrior but try as he might he couldn’t defeat him; on his final try it was the day of his twelfth birthday. He had now created a new attack, the phasing shadow lightning technique. Using this upon the twilight warrior, who appeared to let this happen; was defeated. Now instead of grating Kasei the spirit of twilight he simply fused the dark and light spirit within Kasei’s body, this would be his second time near death. Spending one year with the warrior he learned the advantages of twilight and now to balance the power, Kasei now began his exit of the cave.

    Kasei had changed much in his five years gone from his village, his body was changed as the powers within him corrupted him some but it was accepted as he now returned. Coming to the seal once again his curiosity got the best of him as he broke it, the seal was used to seal spirits within it but with the power he now possessed whatever spirit lie within it he knew it wouldn’t be a problem to seal completely. To his shock the spirit to emerge called him by his name and told him of the evil deed done by his villagers, and that this spirit was in fact his mother. Taking this all in he now returned home to his village, which awaited him with their fake smiles and open arms. Plotting revenge against them all Kasei came for the night, as the night approached his anger rose.

    The darkness in Kasei’s heart then began to amplify; the very veins inside of his body began to glow darkly as he moved to finish the shifter. With his last breath the shifter then blessed and cursed Kasei, “You will become part of this animal…” as his body began to disappear Kasei began to change.

    The night was cold and raining, this was his perfect time to strike this village wiping it from existence. Summoning a giant colossus along with several twilight wolves Kasei began his attack; the villagers were taken by surprise by Kasei’s act of rage. A great battle ensued as the fighters of the village expected this to happen, unknown to Kasei was the fighters placed something within his body to cease all power from the elemental spirits within his body. As they activated this seal Kasei felt a terrible pain, his body felt limp but the power of the twilight stayed with him as the others were sealed temporarily. Remembering his training with the twilight warrior he knew exactly how to undo this seal, freeing himself once more the great battle ensued. This battle raged on throughout the night, while it was true Kasei was a boy of great power there were many fighting against him.

    As daylight began to break Kasei was near his limit, this small thirteen year old had managed to kill off everyone except for one, the village elder. Unable to kill him because he was too weak Kasei was forced to leave the desolated village behind, vowing he would one day return for the elders’ life just as he did to Kasei’s family. Now leaving this behind him Kasei began his own life, on his travels he encountered many great warriors, some he’d win and others to a draw. He began to become known and respected, coming into a strange land at the age of fifteen he came across a man known as ChrisVP.

    Staying with Chris for one year Kasei continued on his journey to become stronger, coming across a shinobi by the name Tatsumaru they became great friends. Accepting each other as family they became blood brothers, traveling together Tatsumaru left to join an ice nation where Kasei was not yet ready to travel to
    Last edited by KaseiYamanako; 12-19-08 at 02:00 PM.

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