Alright, so is where I'm from.

It isn't so structured as Althanas, and is entirely free form, with all manner of RP genres available. It is owned and run by Eric Martindale, the same guy who runs the Grand Tournament League website, along with organising the semi-annual Grand Tournament competition.

The vastness of variety is what makes Gateway so great, along with the way that Eric runs the place - he is constantly making improvements to the site, whether it be forum structure, adding new features, or any manner of thing. And, the place is just friendly and so welcoming to new members.

Gateway is a site suitable for any 'level' of roleplayer, from novice to experienced, there is literally something for everyone; including a place to show off your artwork, music, general writing or anything in which you are skilled.

I'd recommend the site to any who enjoy roleplaying, so go take a look and make your own opinions. I've exhausted my willingness to give it a sales pitch. ^_^