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    Laureolus's Avatar

    Laureola Anteita
    Hair Color
    Eye Color
    Slate gray
    5’11”, 168 lbs


    Name: Decima Julia Laureola (Or more commonly known as “Laureola Anteitus/Anteita”)
    Age: 24
    Race: Human
    Skin Tone: Caucasian
    Hair Color: A bit lighter then Rust
    Eye Color: Slate gray
    Height: 5’11”
    Weight: 168
    Occupation: Former temple attendant of Fortuna Populi Romani (Fortune of the Roman people) currently undergoing command training with the XXXI Legion of Indus as a tribune. Second in line for the Imperium, after Senator Gaius.


    Cold slate gray eyes frame by a fair face and hair chopped short at the shoulder line betray a thoughtful, if quick tempered, person are the second thing most people notice about Laureola. The first is the sword hung on her left hip, the ornamented scabbard and pommel contrasting greatly against the simple purple-striped toga Laureola commonly wore. Laureola has a toned fit body from days spent laboring in the Mediterranean sun which has also given her deep tan.


    Laureola comes from an alternate Graeco-Roman timeline in which the Greek and Roman gods were real, Hercules had preformed his twelve labors, magic is granted to mortals by the gods, and the Roman Empire was reformed under Emperor Probus and flourishes till the current date of 773 AD. (Incomplete)


    Days spent working from dawn to till the candle melts in various exhausting labors and administrative duties have left Laureola with a preference to be sharp and expedient in most matters. Not to say that Laureola is cold per se, but being second in line for the Imperial seat grounds a person’s expectations from the people around them. In her free time (rare as it is) Laureola is kind and personable, preferring to spend her time with the knights and plebeians in Rome


    Legionnaire: Six year spent laboring in public quarries and felling virgin forests in public service have left Laureola more than strong. Battles spent running across battle lines rallying troops have strengthened her, while chasing skirmishers has left her fleet, and many days spend eying her enemies on the battlefield have left her with a keen eye for reading her enemies.

    Sacred Image: Trying to strike with Laureola with intent to harm seems wrong. Not in the sense of being morally wrong or having been charmed, but as if the attacker’s image of what happens and reality’s image differ to a small degree. What is shifted toward reality’s image and in favor of Laureola. Warriors find their weapons to be heavier and more awkward then they remember, casters find it harder to find and maintain the focus require to work their spells on or on the area around her, and beasts/lesser demons/constructs/things of animal intellect tend to shy away from Laureola rather than attack her.

    Favor and Blessing of the Gods: The favor of the Gods is no small thing. Small nicks and cuts, such as the tip of a glancing slash or grazing arrow would fail to pierce her skin. Weak spells, like a thunder shock meant to daze or a short (like a second long burst) of regular flame would hardly affect her at all. There are other minor benefits, such as wine jars(and drink as much as one can without being drunk) and bread baskets not emptying when she’s seated at a table, being “ lucky” when traveling and being faintly luminous. Only faintly noticeable when not in combat, it quickly flares to the brightness of flash light/torch in the face when in combat. (Laureola can choose who this affects) This is a distinct disadvantage when trying to hide or be sneaky. Fickle are the blessing of the gods.

    Combat benefits:
    --Due both to years on the battlefield and more than a little divine assistance Laureola is three time as strong as an athletic man and three times as fleet and she adept at reading the intentions of a foes moves during combat.

    --Enemy attacks against Laureola are not at their maximum potential.

    --Average iron weapons and below have trouble harming Laureola and small wounds from better weapons that would normally accumulate during a fight don’t.

    --Spells that would do minor damage or stun for a short period (~4-5 seconds) have a greatly reduced effect.

    --Looking at Laureola in combat (If hostile toward her) is like staring at a bright torch or flashlight that’s being held near your face. This is constant effect.

    Martial Skills:
    Short sword and shield: An advanced expert of welding a sword and shield, this is her primary fighting style.
    Throwing Darts/Daggers: Advanced

    Helm: A fine steel body Legionnaire helm, with the outer headband and nose guard made of titanium.

    Torso/Shoulders/Belt: A highly ornamented set of Lorica segmentata (banded plate) armor. The individual bands are made of fine grade steel. The sword belt has a pteruges (Bronze studded tough leather straps that hang from the front of the waist to the knees). A wool long shirt reinforced with leather around the shoulders is worn under this to protect from blisters and pinching.

    Gloves: Arctic Leather quality gloves, with rough palm and fingers for a better grip.

    Greaves/Boots: Ornamented full steel leg greaves and a set of heavy steel studded leather boots. The inside fo the greave are lined with leather for much the same reason as Laureola wears a wool long shirt for.

    Shield: Shield: A tower shield, with a height of 42 inches, width of 28 inches from the concave edges, and as thick as the palm of an average man’s hand. The rim and boss of the shield are titanium and the body of laminated-titanium grade wood. Moderately resistant to magic. Like a ~20% reduction in the area that the shield covers, the wood itself is highly resistant to burning itself due to paints used and qualities of the wood itself.

    Sword: Laureola uses a republic era gladius, which had the leaf curvature that made as effective at slashing as thrusting. 28 Inches long, fine steel core with titanium edges.

    Throwing darts: Laureola carries 7 lead weighted barbed steel darts, five slotted in the back of her shield and two on her belt.

    Laureola’s helm, Lorica segmentata, greaves and shield are all highly ornamented. The ear flaps of her helm have silver lions with gilded manes. The chest piece is etched with Victory riding in a triumphal procession and the greaves with silver bulls with gilded horns. Lastly, the shield dyed with two eagles perched on top and under the boss. All of Laureola’s equipment is excellent to near masterwork quality, turning what would burden her to an uncomfortable degree in combat to extremely durable armor that allows her to close to 3x then an athletic man. Aside from this equipment, Laureola carries a small pack with a wool rain cloak, a double thick wool winter coat, bandages, some herbal ointment that cleans wounds and relieves light aches, leather scraps, a water skin, a pouch of gold, a book of prayers and a good bit of parchment for writing notes.


    Magic spells and the like do not come naturally to human beings in Laureola’s world. Magical powers and abilities come from half-breeds with mythical creatures (exceedingly rare) or granted to the devout by the gods.

    Wall of Force: Once per post, Laureola can create a wall of force up to 10’ x 10’. It can be translucent or colored, has blunt edges, can only be formed into planar shapes, and is stationary. The surface area of one side determines the strength of the wall; with 100 square feet having the strength of a cheap brick wall to 20 square feet having the strength of several feet of titanium. It is not created instantly and takes a second or two to materialize. If use creates a new one, the old fades away one post after the new one is made. Note that even when translucent Laureola can see the outline of the wall.

    Divine Intervention: Once per thread, for the duration of two of Laureola’s posts ( So Laureola uses this, teammates turn, enemy one’s turn, enemy two’s turn, Laureola’s turn, teammates turn, enemy one’s turn, enemy two’s turn, ability fades, Laureola’s turn) she becomes a of instrument of divine retribution. She becomes painful to look at with unshielded vision(like looking at the noon sun with a magnifying glass) , her glare stuns save for those with extraordinary will, her unaided fists could dent fine steel while her sword strokes cleave fist sized chunks out of hard granite walls. Laureola doesn’t feel pain or fear while possessed and she takes 30% less damage from all sources. This isn’t without drawbacks however, when this ability fades Laureola feels all the injuries she acquired while possessed at once. Understandably depending on the severity of injuries acquired this could take several turns to recover and at minimum take two turns to be back at normal capabilities if she didn’t do anything crazy. (like head butt a titanium breastplate) It takes a least a turn to ready this ability and on the turn before Laureola couldn’t have used Wall of Force.

    The feedback on this will be interesting, the first written RPG I've done.
    Last edited by Laureolus; 12-27-08 at 01:53 AM.

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