I sat and watched the world revolve around me without a care in the world. I was not a creature of habit like everyone else was; I did not follow the common structure and pattern that denizens of Althanas persistently did. I was something altogether different than what you would expect to find in the fantasy based world. My black leather jacket was open, unzipped at all times, with two thin leather straps that were further binds to close it; it was layered with a lining of thick white fur that appeared to be real but was not in any way. Under that was a common ‘v-neck’ shirt, short sleeved and black. I also wore a pair of tight jeans, girl’s jeans as were the style back in the early twenty-first century. A studded belt, a belt buckle for the aesthetically pleasing aspect alone, and a pair of black converse added to the unique style. Even the piercing through my bottom lip, a curved bar, was something you would not expect to see.

The reason for all this was quite clearly, because I’m not from Althanas. The logistics behind the world are my plaything, as I see it all in a different light than what another might. To me, it is all a game, and not in the figurative or proverbial sense that the statement might be taken for. Althanas is, literally, a virtual reality game; just another world on another server that most have to log into and play by the rules. Me though, I work differently than those other characters that are registered and approved by the administration. I’m a hacker; I undercut the rules and forced my way into the world around me.

Yet I sit, and wait, in an illusion created by the supposed ‘masters of magic’. The Ai’Bron monks were nothing compared to the potential I had in the system, they were bound upwardly by the game’s laws. I, on the other hand, had the special experience of being able to royally fuck with the way the world worked and ignore all rules. Even though my dreams and aspirations had yet to come to fruition, the idea made my mouth water. “My, fucking, god. Where the hell is this guy?”

My words bounded through the empty caves behind me, but where hardly loud enough to be heard by anyone else thanks to the thunder that crashed through the sky. I have no clue what the monks have set me up with, and in reality don’t really care. What I do know is they don’t expect either of us to be flying, or for that matter standing out in the thirty-plus area outside the caves. Lightening struck freely, dropping from the dark sky to shatter free standing boulders. The caves were small though, if I stood they’d be barely over my own height, about ten feet tall at the opening and closing to smaller the deeper it ran.

I hadn’t gone spelunking or anything, so maybe they opened up more inside? I’d have to worry about that when my opponent finally showed and we got the fight underway. If it was a necessity I could go deeper, explore while running should the other person be really strong. I figured though, with the lightening, that I wasn’t going to leave my little safety and into the big open cliff-side. The little mountain hideaway was perfect instead.

Out of Character:
((In case it's not clear enough yet, there is a mountain with a big open area to fight in, and a cave along the wall. It's also being laced with lightening, though no rain, just a lightening storm))