Sven hesitated, remembering back to moments before at the scene he had made at the entrance of the ship, and an involuntary flush rose to his cheeks.
"No, actually, I just boarded, so I know of nothing on this boat, aside from the deck and this vicinity downstairs." He shrugged, as if to apologize.

"perhaps.... We can search together then?" he paused,noticing that that seemed like a corny pick up line, then quickly added, "I mean, as a tour of the boat. I haven't seen much, and..."
He trailed off, realizing that giving him a tour would be asking even more of her. "I-I mean, not a tour, because you have already done so much for me, i think, and then I would owe you double, and I hate being in debt to people, and-"
Sven suddenly just shut his mouth. He was babbling and beyond flustered, his cheeks stained red.

"I...I mean...."

Well, he had pretty much ruined his friendship with this girl, he already knew that. It was obvious in the funny look she was giving him.

Giving a soft sigh, he cleared his throat and stated his first question all over again, yet this time in a nervous mumble.

"Would you like to explore the ship with me?"