The arena was still huge, although now old and many parts of it rotting and covered with moss. The large arena was still an impressive sight to see, it was over one thousand years old still stood as an impressive feature of the landscape. No one really came to the old arena anymore, so it was perfect for any two people to practice. The wind had died down to a minor breeze and the dust had begun to settle on the ground around the arena floor. The large arena platform was still there and Ayithe stood on the wooden markers that were marked the edge of the platform.

The rest of the platform was grit and sand with various rocks of different sizes scattered about the area. Ayithe stood in her normal attire, she had used these she hardly wore anything else. Being made from Darkling skin it was highly durable and it didn't wear down.

"Let me know when your ready, this will be good fun and practice." She shouted across to Busky.

A resent new friend she had made and into fighting as much as herself, Ayithe smiled across at him and stepped forward onto the arena floor highly confident of her own abilities she would relish the chance to fight someone she hadn't met before.