Questions Thread!

This thread is the open thread that I’m creating so that any questions that you may have regarding registration or General Althanas FAQ can be answered. If you cannot or do not want to get a hold of a moderator in charge of the RoG; you can ask questions here. Sometimes, this option will be quicker… as you do not have to PM multiple mods and wait for one to respond, but can instead wait for whichever one is available to respond as soon as they have time. However, there can also be the chance of this thread being unfortunately overlooked, in which case your question may be missed.

Either way, feel free to use this thread as much as you need!

RoG contact List

~~~ Taskmienster: RoG Admin
~ AIM: TheTaskmienster

~~~ Letho: Head of RoG
~ AIM: tvojazvijer ?