"If there's one thing in this world I loathe more than myself, it’s a coward," The words hung in the air with a bitter hostility, even as he spat upon the ground upon saying the filthy word. His eyes burned with a rage that made them almost look human, even as he looked upon the draconian with his sword drawn.

His feet planted on the ground he spoke, "Your friends aren't dead, but they may very well be, because you abandoned them. Far be it from me to preach ethics in a fight, but even that rates high on the list of things never to do in a fight..."

He continued to stand between the man's salvation, as he glowered down on him, watching, waiting for the futile attack. His hand gently twitched, longing to crush the coward's throat, but he held out for a bit longer. He had a special punishment planned for this man. He wouldn't let him go without a fight, not when he clearly had the man on the ropes.

"See, even when I kill, I look the dead or dying in the face when I do so. I don't pick on the weak, or even the young, I take the strong head on. Perhaps my tactics are dirty, but in a war there is no honor on the field of battle. You on the other hand, committed the most despicable act ever; you fled, and left your friends to die. You didn't even stop and wait to see if they died, you left them as a sacrifice," The demon rumbled across the clearing. His words full of venom.

"I have to eat flesh as a punishment for what I did in life. A punishment I earned and accepted. You, on the other hand, won't see your punishment for awhile yet. You won't die, because you struggled only to save your own skin, and damn the consequences..." At that he held his hand out to the side, the chains on his arms eerily clinking against one another before the sadistic grin lit it up once more, "Today, I'm those consequences...if you survive this, I'll let you go. Penance for your sins?"

The purple energy began to form a vortex around the outstretched hand, even as his hair moved wildly in reaction to the magicks. Energy arced and coursed up and down his arm, before it coalesced into an orb, no larger than his fist. As he gripped the orb tightly he grinned before he moved forward, and in a surprise move went to punch the orb, right into the gut of his victim.

"Let’s see what you got hiding in your closet!"