Ok, so. I have a solo in the works (not posted yet, but patience is a virtue, children!) where Cael's going to be dragged back into the Salvic swing of things, despite all his insistence that he's done with the nation.

Following that solo (timeline wise, not necessarily posting-wise) is going to be an Approved Quest. Cael will be using his portal abilities to allow the League of Salvic States access to something that they don't really have access to: almost every church in the nation, barring the Cathedral itself. He'll be helping recon and sabotage missions all over the continent, and undoubtedly anything else I can think of in the meantime.

So! If you want to help a somewhat neurotic Ink Mage spy on the Church of the Ethereal Sway, please state your interest here. I'll probably start the thread (and actually pick players) on Friday.

For the record: This will not be a high-speed thread. It won't (I hope) move the speed of molasses, but I'm a full-time student who tends to be nitpicky about her writing. It means that, while I will try to make sure it moves quickly enough that your characters aren't stuck in one thread for the entire chapter, I won't be posting once a day.


Cael's going to be causing problems for the church. He'll need one or two helpers. You can be the helpers - just post your intentions.

Player 1: Yr Correspondent
Player 2: PENDING
Player 3: PENDING