That's right! I'm running one of these bad boys! And I'm going to be bringing Alerar into the FQ and right into Raiaera with a centuries old grudge to spur the troops on. Want to help get the only remaining united super power into the mix of things? Want to strike a blow against Xem'Zund AND Raiaera, with guns and raw power instead of magic?

This is the MQ for you.

I'm looking for about 3 people for the first part of it, which will be getting through the Twilight Mountains and being the advance force. I want to make this one the precursor to the main reason for Breaching the Fortress; instead of trying to lump everything together.

The next part of the thread will probably be opened to anyone and everyone that wants to join and help Alerar (though I'll have to make sure your reasoning is good before you jump in).

So, for now, if you are interested in being part of the advance force that is going to be ahead of the main force, establish a point to attack from, and kill some of Xem'Zund's undead horde along the way, sign up here! If you want to be part of the main force that goes in afterward and tears the new Obsidian Spire down, and creates the first foothold of Alerar in the high elven lands, sign up here as well!

Format for those interested:

Interest :: ((Whether you want to be the main force invasion or the initial group that goes in))
Reason :: ((What ties would you have to Alerar, or to the invasion of Raiaera)

MQ: Breaching the Fortress

At last, the Alerian armies launch their long-awaited invasion of Raiaera. Like a sledgehammer their main force heads straight towards the ancient High Elven fortress of Valinatal, now desecrated by the undead horde and renamed Narenhad. There, Xem’zund’s new Obsidian Spire, just completed after the destruction of his first abode, awaits…

– GM: Taskmienster
- Logan
- The Reborn
- Izvilvin