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Thread: Inside New World Order

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    Lakin_of_DpN's Avatar

    Lakin Le Comte
    228 (Appearance 28yrs)
    Hair Color
    Pitch Black
    Eye Color
    Azure Blue
    5 9" 63 kilos
    Diplomat for DpN, Tavern Owner.

    Inside New World Order

    (Closed to Godhand)

    It was a dreadful day in Radasanth.

    Dreadful, and just the start of a day Lakin had feared.

    First, she’d been assigned to the beginners group. Lakin corrected herself Level 0, which amounted to the same thing and to add insult to embarrassment she was being hauled off to a training session with her sponsor without any formal introduction whatsoever. This just wasn't done. Lakin was an experienced diplomat for Dead Pool Network, a large well established Clan in the Realm of Ayenee and Ambassador for East Akashima with a royal title none the less. It was hard to believe that her situation qualified her to enter NWO’s most exclusive training academy but didn’t help in any way when being allocated a rank.

    On the field Lakin thought she was lucky to have found a place in the front line of the training formation, a spot that came around with the frequency of a lunar eclipse so naturally she sprinted for it, outrunning tall hulking men for the position and stepped straight into a gaping big puddle of something slimy. It was not pleasant and it smelled. She leapt out quickly enough but it was too late the damage had already been done. At least she’d been wearing her cloak, not that it protected her white leather pants—they reeked. The other trainee’s gave her revolted looks and put as much distance as possible between her and themselves but in her current frame of mind that suited Lakin just fine. She backed out of line, in the middle of the row, removed her mud-soaked cloak and on a whim threw it behind her. As luck would have it, just as she was about claim a dry position in the line she saw her cloak fly up in the air, fan open and land straight down on the top of the instructor’s head with the silver clasps unbelievably locking together around his face.

    She didn’t have to guess what was about to happen next.

    “Don’t bother stepping back into line Le Comte,” Captain Tao snapped. His brows slanted together in a furious scowl as he looked her up and down in utter disbelief. Tao decided enough was enough. “You My Lady will train with your sponsor.” He was cursing as he unravelled the wet, foul smelling material from around his head. “Godhand, will send for you as soon as it is possible but you might consider bathing beforehand.” Excusing her, Tao returned to the group surrounding them.

    Lakin twisted, looking for a place any place to escape to. Finally her eyes hit on the enormous, char veined doors of the Mansion. She headed for them like someone who had just won an award and that was where the podium was to receive it. The wood was heavy, it creaked as she pushed inside and a chime echoed overhead alerting a small uniformed porter sagged beneath the weight of an antique desk chair close by.

    “Can I be of assistance My Lady?”

    Lakin shook her head. “No thank you but if anyone should ask, I will be in my room.” She observed the rough interior of the Main Hall and revised her original evaluation from adequate to barely tolerable. Broken furniture was piled haphazardly everywhere. Large holes, torn carpets, abandoned weapons and blackened walls haunted the hall like the ghosts of war. At least it was quiet and surprisingly untouched in the west wing of the Manor. Lakin headed straight for a hot bath and when she entered her chambers a pleasing fire burned in the hearth, the sensation of warmth swept over her body. She was so relieved to be back in the privacy of her room and though it was small, scantily furnished with no windows; it offered sanctuary from New World Order.

    A man was sitting on the couch, staring at her intently. Lakin blinked, but he didn’t disappear.Thoughts raced through her mind in rapid succession. How did he get in here? She distinctly recalled closing the door when she came in. How did he get past her guards? Had he already been in her room when she entered? Even more disturbing—when she bathed? It wasn’t possible. Her eyes wrinkled in confusion, surely she would have seen him. Why was he just sitting there? A pained expression broke out across her face. She was frightened but somehow she found her voice. “Y-you ne-need to leave, m-my guards are just outside the door. If its gold you want, I don’t have any.”

    He stayed silent, but continued looking at her with a bewildered expression. The white of his eyes seemed to glow as if they were made of metal with the pupils set in like diamonds but he was too far away to see the colour. A tiny crystal dragon dangled like fire from a thick silver chain around his neck, catching the light and consuming it.

    Could she get to her sword? How long would it take for her to get it out? No he was sitting too close to it. She could yell for help. Her gaze flew to the door on the other side of the room and then to him speculatively. He was a thick set man, composed she could see that. Lakin assessed his height at around seven foot at least, a man that size could probably overtake her guards even if she called them. It didn’t seem wise to try it. For the moment he seemed to be studying her closely. Lakin remained where she was, she didn’t want to give him any reason to move. Her best option at that moment was to use this time to inspect him as keenly as he was studying her. Lakin examined his face first carefully noting the overhanging forehead, round shaped eyes, crooked nose and strong chin with a slight scar. He was far too calm for a maniac.

    He continued to stare at her in complete silence.

    Strange, Lakin thought. The robe he was wearing was too eye-catching for a thief, rather he had the look of a scholar. The thought hit her like a bolt of lightning, it was all clear now. She smiled suddenly at him, causing him to frown.

    “Godhand is it?”

    He looked blankly at her.

    “Look, I can explain,” Lakin began, relieved she walked over to the couch and sat down next to him. Jerez, he smelled good too.

    He looked down, watching her indirectly.

    “It was an accident and—” She stopped mid-sentence because now she could see his strange eyes. Cased in a pencil thin fringe of brown lashes, they were all glistening white and the dark jewels for pupils had disappeared. She gulped, he was no human...

    She shook her head, he wasn’t her sponsor, what was she thinking. “W-who...”

    He turned to her and abruptly placed a long pale finger against his lips.

    She froze, eyes wide at this gesture.

    He leaned over and using his other hand, placed the tips of his fingers against her forehead. It felt odd, and a calm tingling sensation resonated through her. Now that he was close, she could distinguish the scent of white jasmine, the same white jasmine that to her recollection only grew at Falling Waters, DpN’s safe-house. She blinked twice. “Who are you?”

    Guardian Karle tja’l looked down at Lakin. He hadn’t been able to understand her strange words, but he would change that now. He gazed upon her face as the translating spell took place. Her beauty emanated. She more than impressed him. A smooth, deeply persuasive voice infiltrated the room. “I am Karle, and I am here to help you Lakin. Do not be afraid.”

    Her eyes flew open. “You know my name?”

    “Yes,” he confirmed. “I have been sent here by the Ancients of DpN.” Karle smiled briefly. “It is time for you to repay your debt.”

    She looked at him stunned; she had all but forgotten her promise in the Bazaar. It had been in another life time; the Pagoda challenge, the magic, and the almighty Slayer of the Rot. “So you are here to collect?”

    “No, no...” Karle tried to re-phrase his answer, “to guide you. Forgive me. I am slow to adjust to this language.” He shook his head. “Please allow me to explain...”


    Winter painted Radasanth in grey colours, each tree, and each stout branch were dreary and desolate of foliage. On this cloudless night a portal emerged, it opened like a veil being slowly lifted revealing three women with skin so pale and drawn they were barely discernible against the pallid backdrop. When they raised their heads and looked up their eyes the same blood red as the blazing Fallien sun. Two of the women circled the area with wary intensity, their striking white teeth sharp like tempered steel flashed when the moonlight caught them.

    The third one with her shining blonde hair falling loosely to her waist stood back watching. “You will need all your strength” said Serene, the onlooker. She stared around her and in a few brief seconds drank in as much as she could of this new world. Through suddenly bared teeth Serene hissed and turned to her companions, “we have a long journey to Niema.”
    Last edited by Lakin_of_DpN; 01-28-13 at 06:53 PM.
    Nothing else matters.

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