They weren't actually into the jungles until the late afternoon, and although the rain hadn't stopped, the thick foliage of the ancient trees that stretched up to the sky kept most of it from reaching the travel party. After hours of slogging through pouring rain, of pulling their boots out of mud and muck, and general misery, it was nice to get to an area that was merely damp.

Deangain was the first one to shrug off the rain, shaking himself off roughly and sending water splashing every which way. A complaint from Maith was cut short when he flicked his large wings as well, relieving himself of the burden of the extra water.

"We're all right here! We don't need the extra rain!"

The Draconian snorted. "If you are already a drenched rat, a little extra water will not harm you."

Maith just grumbled, removing his cloak to wring it out as much as he could. He was slightly brawny, for a human, and the muscles in his arms bunched beneath a few intricate tattoos as he tried to give himself some small amount of physical comfort. "Never been out on such a day as today. Don't think there could be a worse day t' travel," he muttered. "And it's darker than a basement at midnight in 'ere."

Up ahead, Alydia had taken her hat off just long enough to fling the water off of it, and then her coat to shake it out. "Watch your footing then, Maith. And at night in Raiaera is a much worse time to travel, unless things have wound down in the last month."

The human's expression softened, and then he looked chagrined. "Aly, y' know I didn't - "

"I know. It's been a long time since we've been out at all, and never in rain like that. Get used to being damp, though. This sort of terrain and the distance to our target...we'll be out here for days."

Deangain gave a soft growl of amusement. "Time. Effort. Danger. Legal."

The Alerian ahead turned around after climbing up onto a root that sprouted up from a nearby tree. The part that had managed to push up was almost as tall as she was and as wide as Aly's two associates put together...and only one of many thousands in this boggy jungle. A smirk etched across her face as she regarded her monosyllabic man.

"I's not normal. But we'll probably find something good. And if not...I still get to spend time with my boys."