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Thread: The Aequitas Chamber

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  1. #11
    Screw You, Andy.
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    Silence Sei's Avatar

    Sei Orlouge
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    5'11'', 172 lbs
    Protector of Radasanth.

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    Sei Orlouge was not one for skimping out on minor details. His ability to notice facial cues and mannerisms is what lead the mystic to two bronze trophies sitting in his tomb. It was only natural with this ability to notice the small molotov coming at his being, right?


    The mute had been so caught up darting his eyes between both Lillian on one side of the arena, and the paladin on the other, that he had not the time to focus on attacks coming towards him. His whole being was dedicated to not only keeping these...these children alive, but by keeping up his alliance with Godhand and Lillian. So many things were on his mind that the man had to rely on his daughter in order to save himself.

    Papa, projectile at twelve 'o' clock!

    Sei darted his eyes directly in front of him. Instinctively the mute had reached to his the back of his left hip. His hands quickly threw out one of his steel throwing fans directly towards him. The mute's projectile met with that of his attackers. As a result of this, flames spread out in a small dome with just a few embers short of reaching Sei Orlouge himself. The strategist had gotten careless in his want to take care of others and it almost cost him his life already.

    Focus Papa, Anita's thoughts translated into Sei's head. The one who attacked was the one between the two big fights. He's against the wall. He's got more of those bombs so be careful. Sei nodded to show that he was heeding Anita's warning.

    The smell of burnt ground began to rise up into the hero's nostrils. This simply would not do. What kind of fool would just outright attack The Hero of Radasanth, the Dragon of Drantrak? This man must have had a death wish of some sort to commit such a foolhardy act. Reaching back to the front of his left hip, Sei untied the string holding a chakram from his side.

    Walking over to the ground in which his fan had fallen, the hero examined the flames that were quickly dispersing. It appeared as though the flaming projectiles were meant to completely swallow their target in intense heat, presumably killing them instantly. If one survived such a horrific attack, they would more likely be too scarred to continue through the pain. Sei had to be careful with this one, at least until he ran out of his molotovs.

    Deciding it would be better to try and end this brawl as quickly as possible, Sei removed the chakram at his other hip. Crossing his arms together in an X formation, Sei slung the blades outwards while releasing his grip. This caused the chakrams to sing out a whistle as they each hit opposite sides of the walls. Due to the power behind the throw, the weapons bounced off of the walls and proceeded to fly towards the walls to their direct left. The blades (which flew about three feet from the ground) would continue to bounce off of the walls until they found their trajectory was altered downward, upward, or with somebody's flesh.

    The mute looked back to his assailant as he removed another steel fan from his right hip. The mute then proceeded to throw the fan towards Neville without another hint. This strategy was meant to cause Neville to panic, and cause him to fall into one of the spinning death traps now activated on the field.

    Sei, protecting himself, decided to take flight. Two magnificent butterfly wings burst from the back of the mystic. The vibrant orange and white splashed against one another, complimented by the blue outline trim around the appendages. Sei kneeled down and jumped upwards, forcing the two wings on his back to force him afloat. Keeping above the two mobile chakrams allowed Sei to provide Lillian with a third set of eyes, as well as keep the mute safe.

    Things were getting interesting indeed.
    Last edited by Silence Sei; 04-15-10 at 11:01 PM.

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