“I swear to god, there is just simply no military order in this army,” Jensen commented as he looked over his dossier in the meeting hall of Sei’s Tomb. As the coming of the summer was up and about the ever growing Ixian Knight’s have been seeing themselves busy as of late. Currently most members of the Nine had been found, or at least tracked, and the grand vision that Sei Orlouge had for his army was now starting to take shape.

Next the immortal was a woman a head shorter than he with long red hair. Her eyes scanned over the document with mild interest, snorting in mirth as she had to admit that her friend’s comment was right on the ball. She placed the sheet down and looked forwards towards probably the most uncomfortable member of the Nine.

“I’m so humbled that I have your idiot opinions to give me hope that one day I may be a strong leader,” came the crass response of Cassandra Remi. Probably the most beautiful member of the nine was also the most foul tempered, cold, heartless, bitch in the group. When her hazel eyes pierced into you they seemed to fill you with a sense of dread that Jensen and Stephanie had commented on many times as being creepy.

“He wasn’t saying that your idea didn’t have merit, just…” Stephanie said defending her friend. “It’s a very esoteric order. Of course we’ll obey, but you have to understand it’s not usual to send Sei’s bodyguards out to an orphanage, pick up any kid we can find, and take them to the zoo to spy on other agents who are against us.”

“Am I to understand that as the head of his little assassin team I have the highest ranking ability to call upon whatever means I feel I need to in order to accomplish my mission?” Cassandra said in a very authoritative tone. Jensen yawned loudly as Stephanie gulped.

“Yes, M’am-” the female knight couldn’t finish her orders before Cassandra lifted her wand waving them both off.

“Dismissed then,” Cassandra said turning and leaving the room. When she slammed the door shut leaving them alone both let out a high pitch sigh.

“God she’s such a bitch!” Jensen blurted as he scooped up the paperwork. Stephanie just looked to the door before shaking her head in frustration.

“She’s so creepy!” she shouted. “I can’t believe I stupidly crossed her like that.”

“Bitch gave us stupid orders,” The immortal mumbled. “Stupid orders are meant to be questioned. That’s what we were taught in the Knight’s of Apocalypse.” Stephanie nodded to his point as she read over the dossier again. She pulled out a small flier for the zoo and read it over. She suddenly snapped her fingers, flicking the digits against the paper making a loud pop sound as Jensen looked over her shoulder, resting it on her muscles and nuzzling up against her.

Lifting her other hand up she scratched the side of his head, while her eyes scanned the paper one more time.

“Apparently half the zoo will be closed today,” Jensen observed. Stephanie smiled to him as she tapped her finger on the bottom. Jensen read it and smiled. “Unless of course you bring your kid along. Clever, but she’s still a bitch.” He picked his head off her shoulder and she placed the flyer in her folder, turning and putting it inside her backpack. She turned back to Jensen linking her arm with his as she dragged him towards the door.

“Can’t we just pretend we went to the zoo?” he whined. Jensen hated doing work, as his Lazy lifestyle wouldn’t permit the notion of actually doing something. Stephanie just pulled on his arm, tugging him in close to her as she whispered into his ears.

“Just remember if you stay here, she’ll know and make it even creepier for you. Who knows, you may be one of her midnight victims!” She teased pushing him away. Jensen merely rolled his eyes.

“Why the hell does Sei think keeping a renowned serial killer in the tomb was a good idea?” The knight’s hand opened the door, bowing to let the lady leave first as they walked toward the entrance of the tomb. “Seriously, is it just me, or do you think this is part of the WOO WOO, FAIL TRAIN!” Jensen made small choo-choo noises as he rolled one finger around the side of his head, shifting his eyes crazily. “All aboard! Next stop, Sei’s Tomb, home of the deranged Midnight Monster and Gisela Reaper, Cassandra ‘My milkshakes bring all the crazies to the yard’ Remi!”

Stephanie laughed as she usually did when Jensen started ranting, finding great joy in his ability to take the smallest things and blow them out of proportion. Instead of continuing however the knight just coughed, turning around quickly with red lines of embarrassment flushing his cheeks.

“What?” Jensen just remained quiet as he urged her to continue further. Stephanie glanced behind her and her heart seemed to freeze cold as she bit her own tongue, despite saying nothing. Cassandra Remi’s baleful stare scrutinized upon both of them, and she merely watched them as they left. Stephanie looked to the immortal and she mouthed the words run. The knight nodded once as they both started trotting off.

Even as they left the tomb, a dark chuckle followed in their wake, always behind them every step, dogging their every move until they were well out of the cave.