"If that little pissant ever tries commanding me again I'll rip his fucking eyes out." Dan Lagh'ratham stifled back a snarl bubbling up in his throat by drowning it with a deep swallow of whiskey. His stay at Ixian castle was beginning to wear on him; it seemed all his "comrades" did was bitch at him. Stop eating up all the food stores, stop sleeping for fourteen hours of the day, stop smoking up all of the tobacco, stop trying to eat the new recruits. He'd be able, honestly, to deal with all of their whining, if it wasn't for the god damn leader of the Reformation Team that he'd been stuck on. Duffy Bracken was, as he'd said directly to the face of the man before leaving for Corone to drink, a skipping, mincing little daisy who's only real accomplishment was servicing the real men of the Knights via a hole in one of the bathroom stalls.

He picked up the bottle of whiskey just as Jensen Ambrose set it back down on the counter. Jensen, the cackling little lunatic that he was, was among that small handful that he'd found he could at least tolerate. There was even a small glimmer of respect for the little Knight of the Apocalypse. Between the three that had been with him when Hromagh had called for bloody entertainment, Jensen had been the one that seemed to be able to keep some pace with him for a while. Dan couldn't say that there were many men alive on Althanas who could do that anymore, with the sacrifice of Godhand Striker in Raiaera.

"Sick of that little cunt's shit. What the fuck is the point of the "Reformation Team", anyway? For fuck's sake, I promised Sei that my power was for the good of the Knights, as long as he comes through on his promise to me. I'm wasting away, god damn it. We don't do a god damn thing; all I do is sleep and eat. It's like working for Xem'zund all over again. I'd get more action on the Monster Hunter team or the god damn mercenaries." Muttering angrily, he poured the last of the whiskey into his glass and knocked hard on the counter top, leaving small dents in the wood.

"Hey! Those god damn taps fixed on the kegs yet?! Get me some more fucking liquor!"

((All right guys, just small intro posts for each of us, I'll bring in Larren in my second post.))