“You're hired, Rhiannon. We're looking forward to having you here with us in the Underwood Patrol. If you have any friends with a good set of arms and a good head on their shoulders, bring them on out. We're really hurting for people right now due to the whole mess with Corone. They shipped a ton of my favorite men off to battle. If you're ever interested in enlisting-”

Rhiannon smiled, her eyes not leaving the officer's broad figure. “Well, Officer Roland, that would sure be asking a lot of a foreigner, now wouldn't it?” she questioned playfully. How else was she going to have a good reputation and insure to get the job? She needed to make a living in this world more than he knew.

The officer chuckled, nodding his head slightly as he crossed his arms. “Haha, you're quite the bright girl. Your patrol will be starting in a few hours, so I'd advise you get rested. There will be a couple new recruits like you tonight, so do your best to follow the rules and regulations. Most of all, be careful. You never know when this place could get a little crazy. Once in awhile something will make its way out of the forest, but other than that...bah you got nothing to worry about.”

Rhiannon smiled as she gave the man a thumbs up. Hard telling if such a physical expression were the same here as they were back in home. If not, the chances are he wouldn't know what it meant anyways. “You can count on me. I won't let you down, Mr. Roland.”

As Rhiannon turned to walk away to the inn she rented for the night, the officer cleared his throat slightly, which gave her the impression to stop a moment. “Yes?”

“Don't forget about our drink tomorrow night after your watch. I can tell you anything you wish to know about our home here in Underwood. What was it you said ya were from again? Alaska?” Roland asked, his fingers combing through his black beard.

The women couldn't help but shake her head. Men. They truly were all the same. It didn't matter what world she was in. “No worries. How could I forget a drink with such a strong and chivalrous man? Now if you don't mind, Officer Roland, I have important business to tend to.”

“Of course. Be sure to report in with the higher ranks before and after your shift. I'll be looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.