Currently, we got Region -> Sub-forum. The sub-forums contain an important locale, such as a major city or whatever.

I propose a more even spread of sub-forums, based on activity of course. Many forums have had their sub-forums purged due to disuse.

Basically, make them based on regions within the country, like instead of Concordia, have it be The Concordian Region. That way, threads in that sub-forum will not just take place in Concordia the city. It also allows regional awareness, allowing characters to make reference to regional events. Having it just be that city limits people, and they end up just using the main Corone forum even if they actually want to be in the forests around Concordia.

This also allows themes; certain expectations of settings, culture, history, people. These can be changed on the fly, like if you have a big Empire/Rangers event that makes Concordia change hands, you can apply it to The Concordian Region so the event has region-wide significance.

For forums with few sub-forums, at least make them relevant. Alerar has three sub-forums that are almost unused. What if you broke up Alerar into 'regions', such as Ettermire occupied one, Kachuck occupied another, and Etheria Port occupied the last. Now, you can make assumptions about the setting and form your own canon for that region.

I guess there aren't any completely obvious benefits to all this, but in the long run it makes it easier for canon to be applied to the regions. You can affect the Radasanthian Region (or whatever it would be called) without actually affecting the city itself.