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  1. #11
    Screw You, Andy.
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    Silence Sei's Avatar

    Sei Orlouge
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    5'11'', 172 lbs
    Protector of Radasanth.

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    Silas had gone through the shrub in a style befitting of one used to stealth operations. He had moved the branches of green ever so carefully to make sure there was no unnecessary snapping. Even as he left the incognito bush, the mute's brisk pace seemed to not make a single sound upon the grass bending beneath his feet. He could hear Artemis behind him, trying to be just as quiet as his predecessor, but to little success. The cloaked warrior noticed several sentries around the perimeter of the mansion, each of them walking back and forth like pre-programmed machines. There were a total of three men patrolling the Mystic's goal of the balcony, two walking on each side of the cement sidewalk leading up to the house, and one on the balcony itself. These men committed no crimes besides doing their jobs, and they would not be punished for such a task.

    When the two at the sidewalk had met one another, only to turn around, the telepath followed the one walking east. He crept silently a few feet behind the man, making sure that several dozen feet were between him and his fellow patrol before enacting his plan. The mute waved his hand, causing a white orb to appear on the ground in front of the sentry. The guard paused briefly, looking down to see what the strange object was. The robed Silas quickly wrapped one arm around his targets midsection, using his free arm to shove the bodyguard's head forward and send him tumbling into the ground face first. His body collided atop of the orb his attacker had created, quickly snuffing out any indication that someone had been there at all.

    Sei turned around, watching as the other ground unit turned and began to walk back towards the sidewalk. The magician waved his hand once more, causing the guard to stop mid-stride much like his friend, and quickly jerk his head around the area as if some unknown person had been calling his name. Sei moved quickly, his dark cloak giving him the appearance of a reaper sent to collect souls. The guard quickly focused on this paranormal looking entity, attempting to reach for the gun at his hip. The man's hand was stopped half way toward its route, the Mystic's own pale digits wrapped around the guard's wrist. A quick blow to the side of the head of the patrol caused his body to crumple onto the soft grass. The Sound of Madness had done a great job in fooling the sentry.

    He then turned, approaching the balcony. The guard above leaned on the ivory rails, looking out into the sky in a daydream-like state. He had less to patrol, and an easier view, so it made sense that this guard would be a bit lackluster in his duties. Sei jumped into the air, his wings sprouting for just a moment to launch him into the air. It gave the illusion that the mute had superhuman leaping capabilities, much like the plain earrings gave an illusion of shared telepathy. He landed softly over the rail opposite of his target. He took each step with planned patience, reaching both arms out and shoving the aloof man over. The fall would not kill the guardsman, as it was only a fall from the second story of the mansion, but it would be enough to knock him out quietly. Just like that, all of the obstacles before Silas had fallen.

    He now turned his attentions to the door before him; redwood that gave the appearance of a recent varnish job. The paint was so shiny, the mute was certain that he could smell the fresh coating. Twelve squares of perfect glass covered the middle of the entry, which stopped would-be peeping toms with a red veldt curtain hanging in the room. He gripped the gold knob, his hand growing goosebumps from the chill transferred by the metal. He turned his hand, pushing the door open. To his shock, it obliged with the gentle request, allowing him to entrance to the house.

    "Artemis, Victor," Silas spoke to address his fellow warriors, "I'm in."

    Silas looked around the small room, the balcony apparently leading straight into a study of some sort. He could feel the red carpet even beneath his karate shoes as he looked around. Ivory like walls on every side of him and a door similar to the one the mute just went through stood at the opposite end of the room. A small black bookcase lined with several tomes stood beside the other door, which seemed to give an intellectual type of feel to the whole place. To the east of the telepath was a piano, where an average sized woman was reviewing sheet music. The one thing that did not seem to be in the room seemed to be DeVir.

    "I found someone. I think it may be a relative." Silas spoke around the same time the girl started standing up, the bottom of her green dress falling to the ground. She turned to the mute, scratching the side of her head in a bout of confusion.

    "Who are you? Where is Thomas?"
    Last edited by Silence Sei; 09-17-11 at 10:27 AM.
    2011 Althy winner for Best Comeback, Most Helpful Moderator, and Best IC Odd Couple (With Enigmatic Immortal). 2012 Althie Winner for Mr. Althanas, and best Bromance (also, with Enigmatic Immortal). 2014 Althy Winner Best Battler for Forrals Fortress.

    Gisela Open Winner (First Year), Lornius Cooperate Championship 3rd Place Winner (1/2 of 'Don't Blinke!', 2nd year).

    (21:41:22) Sulla: If you kill god, Nihilism fills the void, you need the ubermensch to take the place of god. Sei is the ubermensch.

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