Abrinano was scared out of his mind as well as ashamed. He couldn't believe that he was the cause of Blake's demise. He had been put into a trance but that didn't matter now, oh no, he mustn't try to defend himself. He had to just follow the group in a state of silence till he had something of great importance to say. No, not even if he had something important would he speak. He would stay quiet just like the women told him to. He would probably scare them with his silence, but he wouldn't want to get the woman angry again. He quickly scurried down the stairs making sure to break the ice before he stepped on each step. As he made it to the bottom he noticed that the tunnel was going to narrow. He started to run through and as the tunnel was about to end it got slightly to small for him to fit, but that didn't stop him. No, instead he just broke through the last centimeter of rock stopping as soon as he entered the room. The smell of the dying sirens entered his nostrils making it so that he felt sick. he found the closest building and rushed inside. Luckily it was a bathroom. He went into a stall and threw up what was left in his stomach.

After cleaning himself up, he walked back out and took a look into each of the buildings. They were all shops. He found food and other items that could be useful in their journey through the tunnels, including a map. After finding many other useful items and a few useless ones as well as eating a bit of food, he found a clothing shop with many dresses and a single male robe. He grabbed the male robe then went and got changed into it. It was white like all the clothing in the shop. It had a rose on each shoulder. He also grabbed a dress off of one of the racks. It was white just like all the dresses, it had fabric flowers all along the base with a giant white rose in the center of the chest. Maybe after we finish with this quest I should give this to that girl who yelled at me. You know what, I don't think I ever got her name. He looked around some more and found another dress. This one was also white but it was more versatile and could easily be used in combat. It also had a rose in the center of the chest but the length was that of a half dress. Its bottom half only reached to the knees, almost like a skirt. He looked at the first dress then put it back getting two of the same style dress, but the second one being a little more plain.

After looking around in the shop some more he came out with both dresses behind his back. He walked over to Resolve handing the flowered one to her then walked over to the other lady handing her the plain one. He also gave them some food which he had wrapped with cloth then put on top of the dresses. He didn't bother speaking as he hoped the gesture would speak for itself. After handing the ladies the food and half dresses, or whatever they were called, he walked over to the last doorway and looked inside. It was another hall with downward stairs at the end. He looked back at the ladies then pointed inside. After he knew they got the message, he himself entered the tunnel and headed for the stairs only to notice that the floor bellow had thigh deep water. He looked at his robe and decide it would be fine. After all, if it was made by the sirens then it was meant to not absorb water. He stepped in and found it to be quite warm and, just as he had predicted, the robe did not absorb the water. In fact, it looked like it was repelling it. He turned around and looked up the stairs, waiting for the women to follow.