He was escorted through a hallway of white, into a wide open area. When he stepped out into the open, helped by the rough hand of Nonag's thugs, he was temporarily blinded by the bright lights above. He could hear both the cheering applause and the jeering boos of a crowd above him. Zack took a heavy swallow as his orbs readjusted to this new light, rolling his shoulders and raising his fists to his face. "Ladies and gentleman, for out next fight, we present the challenger, Jack Blaze!!!"

The crowd (well, most of the crowd anyways) went wild with the call of his name. Zack raised an eyebrow and lowered his guard slightly; unsure if the applause was due to the people knowing his name, or if they were just glad to have a fresh face in the arena. "God damnit!" Zack yelled in frustration, his foot slamming into the ground several times, kicking up a cloud of dust. "It's Zack! Zack Blaze! Not Jack! If you're going to announce me, at least do it right!" It was hard to make one's name known if people knew him by the wrong name, after all.

"And his opponent," the announcer went on, ignoring Zack's plea at a correction, "You know him as the single punch wonder, the K.O kid, the end of the very world itself. Ladies and gentleman, I give you, RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGNAAAAAAAAAROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK!!!"

The arena went dark, quickly hushing the audience as a single spotlight shined on a wide entryway across from Zack. In the limited light, the youth could see that they were indeed in a large cage. Above them was nothing but intertwined steel designed to keep combatants in, and belligerent drunks out. Zack looked back to the spotlight, his eyes growing wide at the sight of the man known as Ragnarok. He was well over eight feet tall, his hair braided into a long ponytail, the end peeking out from between his legs. He had the shoulder width the size of two fully grown men, and his skin was a sickening shade of green. Zack took a hard swallow and cracked his knuckles. "An orc....great..." the teen mumbled sarcastically to himself.

"Fight!" the order from the announcer had shot out so fast, that Zack had to take a moment to register what the man had actually said. That moment of hesitation gave Ragnarok an opportunity, the large orc being surprisingly fast on his feet as he rushed towards the boy, throwing a fist right at his face. Zack raised his forearms in time, deflecting the blow by only milliseconds. The shot was hard though, and sent Zack sliding backwards across the ground, creating another cloud of dirt. He bit his lower lip, holding on to one of his arms. The bone felt like it had been shattered by that single punch, but the fact that Zack could still move the limb without screaming like a little girl proved that this was not the case.

"Well, now I know why he's the KO kid..." Zack mumbled, shifting his head to the left and then right in order to pop the bones in his neck, "Let's see if I have what it takes to stop the end of the world. Just hope Elijah's having better luck than me..."