Kenneth Stern watched the teams with wide-eyed interest. And while the would-be adventurers of Althanas were no slouches, only four had what it took to advance to the final round of his competition. For a second time he sent a portion of immortality towards the tournament's competitors as he separated the final four into their respective places while returning the rest to the places from whence they came. He rose, the tingling in his legs an indication of how long he had been perched over his viewing crystal, but his masterpiece was coming to an end and there were things to be done. Four items of power were waiting to be claimed.

The Island of Adventure shifted one final time.

Congratulations on making it to the third and final round of the Adventurer's Crown! This thread will be reserved for discussion of the round and the events going on in it.

Some rules:
1. All participants will be writing this final round of the tournament as a solo.
2. While each competitor will have the same goal and will be faced with the same general challenges, the magic of the Isle of Adventure means that each will see the Isle and anything on it in a different way. It may appear as a volcanic jungle to one or a bleached desert to another.
3. There is no posting requirement for this final round, you will be judged entirely on the merit of your story and not on when you want to post.
4. The round will begin Sunday, September 30th and will continue for two weeks.
5. If you have any questions, post them in the discussion thread and I'll try to get to them as quickly as possible.

Round 3 Goal:
You've made it to the Island of Adventure's inner sanctum, now to find your way to through to the final challenge.

Challenge 1: Despite being the last leg of your journey, you still have to make your way through the inner sanctum, whatever it may be.
Challenge 2: Just because you're at the end doesn't mean that the going will be easy. There are still things that are trying to stop you, be it trap, magic, or minion.
Challenge 3: At the end, you find yourself face-to-face with the final challenge.