SO. I guess the cool thing to do around here is like, write, with characters and plots and such? Maybe I should get in on that...

I'm looking for one or two people to do one or two fast, fun, and awesome little quests! Raime is completely helpless in combat, and that's not really what he's about, so ideally it would be something where we can use a bit of resourcefulness, fast talking, and a generous dose of luck to get through!

I'm open to almost anything, I think, but I should also say that I'd really hope to write with someone who's also into the idea of really getting a short lovely thread done, and isn't going to drop off the face of the earth. I also really like collaborating to make a story come to life, so ideally said someone would also be happy at least shooting a few PMs back and forth before crazy shenanigans ensue.

Like I said, I'm definitely open to ideas! One thing I want to do though, which I think would be more fun with someone else, is that I want to do kind of an escalating A-B-C quest; that is, Raime wants to complete objective A - acquire a broken antique pistol he can't afford... through the copious use of favors and trading. Thus, to complete A, he needs to complete B, which, naturally, wants C done first... and so on, til we feel done. Think Big Goron Sword. I imagine whomever I was playing with could bring a lot of cool things to it, in terms of know-how and as perhaps the source of one or more objectives.

So what do you think? Shall we deal? =]

Edit: This is what I'm talking about