“There’s only one what?” Hsa’s head tilted to the side. Sei turned around and nearly jumped from his position, slightly taken aback that the child had once again snuck up on him. Hsa responded by looking at the mute from his awkward position. It wasn’t until he saw the card that Max Dirks was holding that he realized what the two of them were talking about.

“Oh, do you guys need one of these?” Hsa asked, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his own elevator pass, “Alden and I went and got ours the second we got out of customs. You wouldn’t believe how thorough the people here are when it comes to Chibimon trainers. Or maybe it was Alden’s wolf that set off alarms with them. Hard to say, but anyways, I’m sure I can show you two where the office to get one of these elevator passes are.”

Sei stopped walking and smiled to his naïve friend, kneeling down and placing his hand atop the boy’s head. “While the gesture is appreciated Hsa, I doubt that we’re just going to be able to waltz right into any government sanctioned offices at the moment and request a license from the people within. That is not to say that we are not grateful for the suggestion.” Sei’s eyes lit up as he talked, as if an idea had just struck him. “Is there any way we could borrow yours for the time being?”

Hsa blinked before pulling his badge back towards his body and shaking his head furiously. “I’m sorry Sei, but if I’m to stay in the LCC, I’m gonna need to get into all the places I’m allowed to go. I can’t just let you have it…but…” Hsa now looked down towards his belt, a grin forming across his face.

But what?”

Hsa looked back to Sei, the smile still upon his features, “I’ll battle you for it….”