(I'm trying to purchase like a basic cottage of some sort with a kitchen. I'm not sure if such items are allowed on The Bazaar, but I figured it would be appropriate to ask here about it. I currently have: 1,440 GP. Let me know what I can get. I can work with a shack too, if I can upgrade it later on. I just would like a house out in Concordia Forest somewhere. Note: I wish to rp this purchase out as much as possible. Thank you for understanding.)

Looking at The Bazaar district in Radasanth, Archanex was there for a very specific set of business. He was settling in Corone long term, after his adventures in Scara Brae. Fresh off the boat, he was tired of sleeping out in the wild lands of Concordia Forest, he also did not want to keep fronting gold to sleep in an Inn that may or may not have vacancies. Things were always a gamble of late. With narrowed eyes, he looked at the shop he had heard of that dealt with the commodities he was looking to obtain. All he wanted was a roof over his head. It didn't have to be a castle, but something decent that fit his life style.

He swallowed his pride and decided to take a peek. He had some good amount of gold with him, so he was hoping he could get a fair deal for a nice sized cottage out in the wilderness. He stepped into the shop and prepared to ask for assistance with his endeavor. All he wanted was a house...

Simple men dreamed of simple things. "Excuse me." Jotham said once he entered the shop. "I would like some assistance in purchasing a house."