Closed to Aure, Zerith, Duffy and the gang and any of the ults he possess, Dissinger, and anyone else should they wish to PM me for a spot within this crazy rollar coaster. This thread is to be considered for fun, and not to be considered Althanas Cannon in any way, shape, or form. This is a Multi-verse, in which Althanas is visited by a peculiar entity.


The Insatiable Hunger

It wasn’t an unusual day. Not by any stretch. Jensen was out with his own person to care for, no kids left in the nest and no cares in the world. Assignments had been dreadfully dull at the castle, and so he made his way to the Port of Yanbo in hopes to upset enough Yakashiman workers to fight him. They were crap in a scrap, but he was bored and didn’t have enough clout elsewhere to pay for a cheaper bail once he was inevitably in way over his head.

However, he couldn’t help but keep looking at the growing darkness in the sky. It was like a jar of spilled ink, broken and getting everywhere. It drained out the sky and removed the cerulean blue with infectious browns and greens. He couldn’t really decide what to make of it. But that wasn’t the problem. He couldn’t see the millions of miles above the growing blotchy black cloud, but he could discern that the ink was no longer dripping into the sky. Instead, it seemed to drag itself down into the planet, and that concerned Jensen more than anything else.

It wasn’t an unusual day, Jensen knew. But it would forever be the day that Jensen would rue. Althanas was no longer along in a galaxy so vast and wide. There would be many names scholars would give in the coming days to this menace. Dragonids, Reptelioids, but Jensen would adopt the name he came up with from the guys he fought alongside: Zerith, Seth, Aurelian, Duffy and the Tantalum, and more. In the briefest moments of sweet rest, they gave a name that seemed fitting. In time, it was more apt than they would have realized.

The Great Devourer.

That was the name of true terror.

(Feel free to post whatever the hell you guys feel like. It’s fun! So have it! Story isn’t going to wait long for a post order, so just post as you can. Bunnying approved by all parties I assume. Also, let’s just toss this out on the table: I in no way shape or form claim the right to any similarities to things probably about to be mentioned within this non-profit, fun house ride.)