Leona Stevvains walked carefully through the trees of Concordia Forest. The prophet knew that one wrong step would be the difference in her making it out of the place unscathed, and her being mugged for her possessions. The Berevar Witch knew that even though the large environment had dropped crime rates since Ixian Knight occupation, that said crime still existed here. Those who managed to avoid the ever watchful eye of the IK were more than a force to be reckoned with.

With each step, the fallen leaves crunched underfoot. The birds sang mating calls to the opposite sex in hopes of attention by night’s fall. Leona’s eyes shifted overhead, cautious to make sure she was not being eyed for her goods. She clung the soccer ball under her left arm a little tighter, her right hand placed upon the deck of tarot cards beneath her cowl. If either of these things were taken from her, she knew she would become distraught.

She treaded carefully through the foliage, ungraceful snaps every time one foot lead another. She was almost to Akashima, almost to where the cards were guiding her. She could see the suns rays as they expanded out of the autumn terrain and into the open travel roads of Corone. She was so close to being out in the open again, so close to safety.

The crunch of another gave her movements pause, and the sound of someone sniffing the air caused her head to turn. Her eyes met with a brown animal fur, the rough shape of a human being, and a pair of the strangest horns she had ever seen.

“Is...is that a goat-man” Leona said with a crack in her voice. She looked down, her right hand growing warm from the faint blue aura emanating from the tarots. She had found another chosen one, but was it really this half-man, half-beast?

Before she could approach the creature, a quick blur whizzed past the form of Leona, and she very quickly realized her left arm was now completely at her side. Her ball had disappeared. She frantically turned left and right in an attempt to find the culprit, and only caught a tuft of emerald green hair as it rounded a large family of oaks.

“HEY!” Leona shouted and gave chase, “THAT’S MINE, GIVE IT BACK!”

(Closed to Fox and Leaf)