"You had better come back." Matthew said scornfully to Gavner as he prepared to leave the colony.

They were in the room that Matt had let Gavner sleep in on their stay. It was a simple black with a dark colored dresser and a single mattress on the floor. Matt had wanted Gavner to stay longer so he could study the bond between Matthew and Gavner but Gavner had insisted he be on his way. Matt had concluded that the bond between Gavner and Matthew had gotten stronger in the time that they were together. Gavner had developed a minor physical link to Matthew, feeling potent feelings that he felt, but Matthew did not feel anything Gavner felt physically. Matthew did, however, feel potent emotions that Gavner felt.

"I will Matthew, I promise." Gavner said. "I just have some business to attend to with the clan. I will return as soon as I am finished, don't go anywhere."

"But I want to come with you!" Matthew whined.

"Matthew, you of all people should know that the clan does not tolerate humans in the stronghold." Gavner said soberly.

"But I created the freaking clan!" Exclaimed Matthew.

"Yes but they do not know that." Gavner said, remaining calm and patient. "You know the penalty of trespassing during a council is death."

"Yeah," Matthew said slowly. "But-"

"I will not be gone for long." Gavner said, "Give me a few months. I'll be back before you know it."

Matthew grunted begrudgingly but fell silent. He knew that arguing would not help anything. Gavner and Matthew left the room and made their way to the wall at the edge of the city. The guard called down and Gavner told him he was leaving.

"One moment, I must obtain authorization to transport you across." The guard called down.

"Goodbye Gavner," Matthew said feeling sad.

"Aww don't be sad Matthew, I will be back real soon!" Gavner replied.

"Okay... Keep in touch alright?"

"I will." Gavner said with a smile. The guard appeared at the top of the wall, stating Gavner had authorization to leave the colony.

"Wait wait wait!" Matthew said, "we need a secret handshake!"

"A what?" Gavner said confusedly.

"A secret hand shake. Here, hold out your hand."

Matthew established a handshake which consisted of hitting the palm of each others' hands, the back of each others' hands, touching their elbows and bringing their two index fingers up to their canines like fangs and hissing like cats. After saying goodbye Gavner was transported out of sight with a bright flash of light and Matthew was left staring at the wall. Turning around, Matthew headed in towards the city. There was so much to explore, and virtually nothing he could not do. He couldn't wait to get started.